Fat ‘activist’ rails against ‘thin privilege’ and ‘fat oppression’ – IOTW Report

Fat ‘activist’ rails against ‘thin privilege’ and ‘fat oppression’

fat bastard austin powers

AmericanThinker: On the “lighter side” of the news, so to speak, “fat activist” Virgie Tovar spoke at the University of Minnesota school of public health, and…well you have to read it to believe it.


Tovar’s talk, entitled “Dispelling Myths: Fat, Fatphobia, and Challenging Social Stereotypes,” was designed to help students understand that “fat phobia” is rampant in a “white, heteronormative society” that is looking to actively oppress people with larger body types. Society’s bias against fat people is, apparently, a form of bigotry and discrimination, evident in everything from sexual preferences to the size of seats on public transportation.

She even, reportedly, compared society’s anti-fat culture to so-called “rape culture,” and chastised society for its obsession with what she termed “thin privilege.”  more

30 Comments on Fat ‘activist’ rails against ‘thin privilege’ and ‘fat oppression’

  1. If we all paid for our own health insurance based on our own set of circumstances (risks) being fat wouldn’t be an issue. Frankly I could care less if you want to eat fast food 6 times a day. But don’t expect special treatment. And pay for the medical issues you incur based on said lifestyle choices yourself!
    It doesn’t matter what color you are, any animal that eats more calories than it expends gains weight. Nothing more fair than that!

  2. The “fat smell” can be defined as a mix of feet, ass and navel. Usually caused by rolls of skin that are never lifted. I don’t care who you are, your navel stinks. Go ahead, stick your finger in your navel and put it to your nose, amplify that smell by 3000% and you have fat smell.

  3. I should have actually listened to mrhanoverfist rather than fall into the google trap myself. How does a person even get a fat nose? Also, how can the left possibly embrace this when Mooch is fat-shaming all over the place with her let’s move campaign?

  4. My wife ranges in weight from 150 lbs to 220 lbs. She’s always trying new diets and exercises and what not. I tell her if she would just be consistent to her body she would be rewarded. She says “it’s not that easy” all the time to me, to which I reply that it’s not difficult to simply put down the fork. She can put down twice as much food as me at the dinner table and when I point out just how much she ate I get the rolling eyes treatment.

    She recently completed a diet that involves not eating (putting the fork down) except for once a day, three times a week. Otherwise free to cram down whatever she wants. In simply skipping 6 meals per week she managed to lose 18 pounds in just 3 weeks.

    “Amazing, isn’t it?” is all I could say.

    Those 18 pounds will be back next week.

  5. After reading the article I pretty well thought that here is a woman who likes her food and may be kind of lazy desperately trying to convince herself and others that it’s not her fault she’s repulsive (well, except maybe to some fetishists) to men that it’s actually white males that are responsible for all their troubles. Then I thought maybe she has a glandular condition which would explain her size but not her opinions. Then I googled her. I was right the first time. She is obese but not morbidly so, covered with tats (as is the norm for teachers out Berkley way) and trying to pose as if she were sexually attractive to men. She is a sad, sad woman but very destructive in that she’s (to paraphrase the author) balkanized another small slice of the citizenry and convinced them that whatever problems they’re having it’s not their fault but rather the fault of those evil white males and that they need to be made to pay for their crimes.

  6. It’s just basic math.
    It takes 3500 calories to gain a pound.
    If you want to maintain your weight, don’t eat more calories than your body burns.
    If you want to lose weight, eat fewer ” ” ” ” “.

    And if you’re fat and just too damn lazy to diet, that’s your problem.
    But don’t try to tell the rest of us to not be disgusted by your fat self, as you need a scooter to go fifty feet to the mailbox.

  7. Well, there IS a certain amount of fat discrimination in our society. I felt its sting most strongly when I was looking for work. A lot of my job search was conducted through employment agencies, and the ages were constantly up my ass about my weight.

    This is bullshit. I was a good secretary when I was thin (140 lbs. in 1983), and I’m still a good employee at double the weight now. In particular, I can work rings around these fucking 22-year-old bimbos who have worthless degrees in Basket-Weaving Techniques in Transgendered African Communities. I can also produce a 100-page report with no typos. One of the things that drove me into the civil service is that was tired of spinning my wheels in the private sector, and repeatedly losing out to stupid, incompetent hotties.

    The thing that bugs me the most is how far we’ve fallen by ignoring the things that made America great. I am hoping that St. Donald, a man who strives for excellence in everything g he does, can hit the reset button and bring back merotocracy.

  8. She’s right, you know. It’s the white man’s fault.

    If it wasn’t for white males inventing the tools we now use to plant, grow and harvest thousands of square miles of fertile cropland, thus giving US citizens unprecedented access to food at incredibly low cost compared to the rest of the world, she and millions of others would be thin and sleek.

    You know — just like them North Koreans. There’s a whole country full of people enjoying “thin privilege”, right there.

  9. I’m at least 50 pounds overweight. Thank God I’m tall, heh. In an hour or two, I plan to maintain my current weight with another round of beer therapy, once I waddle away from the office desk where I remain quite sedentary.

    And Jerry, I actually could decipher that acronym! Good ‘un!

  10. Dear Tover,
    1-It’s not MY fault that YOU’RE overweight to the point of being morbidly fat and obese. There may be many factors that make you so, none of which are my business, as I have NO business or dealings with you whatsoever in any way, shape or form.

    2-If I ever WERE to meet you, I doubt that it would be your weight (external appearance) that would make me not like you. I think that it would be your behavior, whining, and blaming everyone else (internal attitude) that would make me dislike you.
    If you want to be LIKED by others, it has to start with YOU, to be a LIKABLE person, no matter your weight.

    I live in Utah, and we have a very comfortable lifestyle out here, with many different body shapes, sizes, and colors. And yet, we all seem to get along quite comfortably, with little to none of the strife as presented by yourself and your Libtard ilk.

    SO, when it becomes apparent to you that NO ONE likes you, then maybe it’s not them, maybe it’s you.

  11. Calories in Calories out. The big mistake most people make when they finally become determined to drop some weight is they rely on an aerobics program to get them there. You only burn calories while you are doing aerobics. On the other hand if you start lifting weights your body burns calories non stop while it is repairing and building muscle fiber.

  12. I read about a guy who went into a POW camp in Germany after being captured during the “Battle of the Bulge” and he lost 60 lbs the first month.

    So, there ain’t no great trick to losing fat … try the German diet.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. If you want to avoid obesity, do the opposite of what the government tells you to do.
    Eat real food, your calories from fat should be at least 5 times your calories from sugar – preferably 10-15 times.
    Getting people to give up tobacco, coupled with trading fat for sugar, along with paying large numbers of people to sit around and do nothing have created the obesity problem.

  14. American obesity, the next form of redistribution of wealth…. because it’s incredibly expensive to cover health care costs for someone so overweight they’ve become bedbound and disabled (not paying into the system anymore)

  15. Forgive me Virgie for I have sinned by excluding sugar and refined carbs from my high good fat, moderate protein, low carb diet. I think the 48 pounds I lost are now on your neck and chins. I eat real food and feel great.

    What kind of privilege is it when you make yourself into a victim by constantly cramming sugar and refined carbohydrates into your bloated body?
    I don’t care what you weigh. Keep on growing and see how you feel in a few years. Don’t expect me to embrace the idea of thin/normal body privilege or your school of victimology.

  16. I too fell into a Bad Place by looking her up. Very bad.

    “She holds a Master’s degree in Human Sexuality with a focus on the intersections of body size, race and gender.” cough cough bullshit That there’s a whack of book learnin’. Straight up.

    Q:How many useless degrees can there be when fedgov foots the bill?
    A: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Any size pin.


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