Susan Rice: U.S. national security agencies are too white – IOTW Report

Susan Rice: U.S. national security agencies are too white

obama stupid has a president

WaTimes: In a White House often accused of being stacked with loyalists, President Obama’s national security adviser said Wednesday there are too many white people in key government posts, endangering national security because they think alike.

Speaking at Florida International University’s commencement, Susan E. Rice, who is black, said a diversified government workforce is more likely to yield “better outcomes” than a predominantly white one.

Referring to criticism that the U.S. national security workforce is “white, male and Yale,” Ms. Rice told the graduates, “In the halls of power, in the faces of our national security leaders, America is still not fully reflected.”  more

21 Comments on Susan Rice: U.S. national security agencies are too white

  1. It’s interesting she draws on experiences when it comes to describing the importance of diversity, indicating people who are “other than white male” will have something to bring to the table a white male can not. You see because to her white males are all the same.

    If she isn’t a racist sexist whore. Tell me where experiences of white males are the same in every single environment across the globe. Heck, I bet we could slap together one of the most diverse groups of white males right here in our own little pool of IOTWr readers. Did you hear that Ms. Rice? Yea, I said diversity in a group of white males. It can exist.

  2. She said, “…diversified government workforce…”

    Really? The staffing of low level and middle management in federal bureaucracies with blacks is wholly different(much higher) then their actual percentage of the population. Fact is, of the 2 million paper pushing, make work federal jobs that employ predominately blacks, 95% of them could disappear tomorrow, and most of us would never know they’re gone.

    Oh wait, she means she wants blacks more involved in the actual decision making levels. Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. We have one nubian at the highest level in the Executive Branch and he’s been an unmitigated clusterfuck, both domestically and overseas. Yeah, lets see how fast we can turn into Zimbabwe.

    Over at the DOJ, after 2 consecutive nubians heading that Klown Kar up, is there anyone that really believes they’re looking out for ordinary WHITE Americans?

    How about old Perez at the Dept/Labor? A fucking communist looking to stop the downward slide of the unions by any means possible.

    Yeah, less white people. Great idea from a nube that is in fact at those upper levels of decision making now. Lets get more!!!!

    You almost have to think that a suitcase nuke with DC’s name on it would solve a ton of problems.

  3. Remember when white folks banded together in support of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold? How about all the white protestors supporting Jerry Sandusky when he was “wrongly” accused of child abuse? No? That’s because they didn’t happen.

    Unlike the BLM/NAACP/Affirmative Action crowd, we realize that not all white people are the same. Some are great, upstanding people. Some are sorry scumbags. History is full of white heroes. It is also full of white demons. We don’t blindly support and promote individual members of our own race simply because they are members of our own race, nor should we.

    People like Susan Rice do a great disservice by establishing racial quotas for hiring in federal agencies. It raises the question of whether the people of the United States are being served by the best and the brightest, or by the most politically correct.

  4. Bravo to all the above comments. Clearly white America (formerly just plain Americans) are getting way sick of being bullied by low IQ negros with entitlement tumors growing out of there porsine asses.

  5. -a diversified government workforce is more likely to yield “better outcomes”
    Ironic assumption that. Can she point to any evidence to support this claim?
    Makes no sense to argue with stupid.

  6. It sounds to me that they are suggesting that our national security agencies begin to play ‘T-ball’ with hiring practices. Affirmative action for our defense? Nuts to that nonsense! Just look at what that got us in the White House and where we are today.
    When it comes to our defense and security, it should be our best and brightest, not some quota based recipient of affirmative action that guards our well-being.
    And didn’t Susan Rice repeatedly say it was a video that caused the death of our ambassador in Libya? If I had the ability, I’d have affirmatively actioned her backside out of office long ago.

  7. The school board in Beaumont, Texas used the same logic and when it became almost all African-American, they looted the school district’s money. Many have been sent to prison and many more are to follow after federal courts proved they stole tens of millions. The city hasn’t grown in population for forty years because of the corruption there.

  8. Obviously, this race-baiting bigot likes America or she would leave, right? Listen ingrate, real Americans, not you, love our country and you don’t have the right to change it. Get the hell out.

  9. I wonder whether this sudden and loud denunciation of the white population in government is due to the fact that the percentage of blacks in the population is decreasing (Planned Parenthood achieving it’s founders original goal) and therefore the influence is beginning to wane. Hell, Rice has been the puppet mistress running US foreign policy since Obama was elected while Clinton (I loath to say this) was mostly a show pony Obama put out there for the people but mostly to control and keep an eye on her.

  10. Susan Rice, What ever happened to the “Character -vs- Color” idea? I truly believe the “problem” you’re seeing has much more to do with character built through fundamental beliefs, education, differing experiences, attained wisdom, ability to think, and a focus outside of personal wants. Your own statement negates the “racist claims” of your stance. I bet you went off on your own with this statement instead of saying what ‘they’ tell you to say? If I were you I would continue to pack on the pounds, you’re going to need them when you’re out in the cold real world.

  11. This is the prevailing attitude, sorry to say. Merit? You’re fukcing kidding right? It’s infected all aspects of our body politic. How about our “wise latina” on the SC? Another masterstroke. Another 30 years of her vile take-too bad I won’t have the chance to piss on her grave.

    Better to have diversity(ALL HAIL DIVERSITY) than a meritocracy.

  12. Why is it that mulattoes are more filled with animus towards whites than average, run-of-the-mill negroes?

    It wobbles the mind!

    Oh … the “thinking alike” comes more from their goose-stepping socialist mind-lock than from their whiteness.

    izlamo delenda est …

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