Serena Orders The Salmon and Rice – IOTW Report

Serena Orders The Salmon and Rice

While staying at a fancy hotel in Italy awaiting her match the next day in the Italian Open, Serena Williams decided to order a meal for her Yorkie, Chip.


The offering looked so good she tried a spoonful and posted a short clip of the experience to social media.


 She didn’t enjoy it for very long.



15 Euros for a single serving of dog food!

11 Comments on Serena Orders The Salmon and Rice

  1. “They should have wrote that.”

    Like you would have readed it. Imbeciles like you are why every electrical cord I have comes with thirty yellow, white and orange tags.

  2. At least she hasn’t made it racisty yet, like Oprah and the Swiss handbag, and Mooch forced to be The Help at Target.

    But it will probably be racial by tomorrow, And Kerry will have to call our ambassador back to DC or something.

  3. I used to cook for my Doberman. He had a ton of trouble with developing food allergies, and ended up having massive seizures after he ate a high-end human grade kibble. Turns out there was a recall but it was the kind that was not announced anywhere but online. (Purina had recently brought out that company and shortly there was a recall! Didn’t know the company was sold either)

    I used to make him salmon and rice. GOOD salmon and jasmine rice. Add some broccoli pieces, a bit of EV olive oil – he loved it. He also had lamb occasionally, chicken too. But after we finally got him past the seizures we gradually went towards a mostly beef diet (80/20) with jasmine rice or sweet potatoes, with peas and carrots (we grow those) broccoli, etc. He got chobani yogurt too – his favorite was blueberry. I’d feed him raspberries from our bush – he’d make faces but he ate them. Some would say I spoiled him, I would reply that I took good care of him and he repaid in kind.

    Miss that dog.
    P.S. My sons collage friends were in awe of the dogs meals – they said it was a lot better than their own meals LOL.

  4. She’s just like any other dog owner that orders a special treat for the mutt. What blows me away is 15 friggin Euros for a small plate of salmon and rice. Damn, even if it’s for the pooch and advertised as such, for that much it ought to be edible by a human, even a tennis player.

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