Canada: Ontario woman follows car’s GPS directions into Lake Huron, swims to shore – IOTW Report

Canada: Ontario woman follows car’s GPS directions into Lake Huron, swims to shore

Yahoo: Police say following the instructions from a GPS on a foggy night left an Ontario woman taking an unplanned swim in Lake Huron.

THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Ontario Provincial Policeย 

The 23-year-old woman from Kitchener, Ont., was following a route on her car’s GPS while driving in the dark on Thursday night in Tobermory, Ont., according to provincial police.

Const. Katrina Rubinstein-Gilbert said driving conditions were difficult as the woman approached a boat launch on Little Tub Harbour near midnight, with rain and fog making visibility difficult. ย more

13 Comments on Canada: Ontario woman follows car’s GPS directions into Lake Huron, swims to shore

  1. And my friends think I’m crazy to not want a ‘smart’ phone. Electronics have been great, but when you need – NEED – a camera in your refrigerator, things have gone just too far.

  2. Here’s a fun GPS road trip activity for the kids:

    *make a waypoint, anywhere you want to go, and save it as “TAR & FEATHER 0BAMA”. Then navigate to it.
    If you are using a decent talking GPS unit, the last announcement you should hear from the GPS voice is “Turn right [or left] to tar and feather 0bama.

  3. Still not as crazy as (I believe a Greek couple?) who drove off an unfinished freeway ramp at night (in LA or San Diego?) and they fell at least 30 feet and the wife died by fire. Yet the hubby lived. Never heard any follow-up from that.

  4. A funny thing about driving down a boat ramp – highly, highly possible.

    When I was in HS, a carload of us girls were joyriding after dark in my friend’s parents’ car. Friend was a headstrong bully and a know it all so you dared not tell her anything.

    As she was trying to find her way out of a lakefront park, parking lot, she started driving straight for the boat launch. I knew the layout of that parking lot and the boat launches.

    Because of her bitchiness, I actually hesitated till the last minute to tell her she was driving straight into Lake Michigan. ๐Ÿ™‚ She stopped the car just several feet from the launch.

    I had not thought of this for years. Some nightmares are forgotten.

  5. I have advanced beyond GPS.
    I take MAP software, upload it to my BRAIN, and BRAIN not only directs, but operates the vehicle at the same time.
    BRAIN can do things GPS cannot, like detecting the lack of roadway or water, or even debris blocking the path preventing such misadventures as befell the hapless Canadian (I know, redundant).

  6. I’d say LOL, but somebody could have died.

    When I first moved to Yonkers and didn’t know my way around yet, I took a cab home from downtown. The driver was unfamiliar with my address.

    There is an old, abandoned Mexican restaurant on Central Park Avenue not far from where I live. I bet Fur and Pinko used to eat there back in the day. Using GPS, the driver pulled up in front of this shell of a building as Siri’s evil twin sister announced, “You have arrived at your destination!”

    I stared out the window. “Sir,” I ventured uneasily, “I don’t believe this has been anyone’s destination for quite some time.”

    Luckily a passerby was able to direct the cabbie to my address.

  7. Hmmm, on the surface a silly accident however maybe our hachet-faced, lying, fraud-artist, if there’s any justice soon to be felon dyke of a premier got her bony hands on a HAL 9000 from a junkyard and instructed it to “deal with” any conservative voters left in this once strong and free province.

    I know, I know, there are no HAL 9000’s. They’re all working at Revenue Canada. ๐Ÿ™‚

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