Here’s the Solution to the Bathroom Controversy – IOTW Report

Here’s the Solution to the Bathroom Controversy


20 Comments on Here’s the Solution to the Bathroom Controversy

  1. Man Code, Article 2 § 24 (Bathroom Behavior):

    • No talking.
    • No touching.
    • Mind your own business.
    • Don’t use a urinal next to another man unless bladder rupture is imminent and there is absolutely no other alternative.
    • Eyes forward at all times.
    • All restroom procedures shall be executed in Special Ops fashion: do your business, wash your hands and GTFO.
    • Any violation of the aforementioned laws shall result in the forfeiture of the violator’s Man Card.

    These rules are universal among American men, because men don’t want to be in a room where strangers are pulling out their penises, but we have to do our business somewhere.

    Because of these rules, the men’s restroom is a place where men, regardless of sexual orientation, are the least likely to be bothered by other men.

    Now, can someone please explain to me what makes the men’s room such a threatening place?

  2. Sadly, liberals will not be happy until the restrooms are only generically labeled, ‘Toilet’.

    They remind me of an episode of FRASER, where the brothers coerced their way into an exclusive spa, using an invitation incorrectly delivered to Fraser’s mail.

    They were not satisfied with the lower level of care, always looking to the next door to exclusivity. They finally ended up in the trash filled alley.

    That is where the liberals are heading. Look at NY reversing urinating anywhere laws. San Fransisco abd its nude restaurant diner push. There is no end, liberals will always search for a new way to oppress, suppress and marginalize freedom. Always.

  3. There should be a picture on door #3 of a liberal with a turd on its head and flies buzzing about, just in case somebody can’t read but they are not mentally ill enough to vote democrat. Libs are all shitheads, that is universally known.

  4. Liberals, being the hypocrites they are, would not use the bathroom marked “liberals” because it would quickly become filthy and full of mentally deranged freaks. They would start using the normal bathrooms. The same way they foul up cities and states wherever they go and then they move somewhere nice, foul that up, etc., etc., leaving a trail of crap wherever they go. Literally and figuratively!

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