Zimmerman’s gun draws million-dollar bids in second auction attempt – IOTW Report

Zimmerman’s gun draws million-dollar bids in second auction attempt

zimmerman gun auction

WaTimes: MIAMI (AP) — Bidding in an online auction for the pistol former neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman used to kill Trayvon Martin had gone well into the millions by Friday morning, though it was unclear if they were serious bids.

The website for United Gun Group began hosting the auction Thursday after another website, GunBroker.com, took down the auction saying it wanted “no part in the listing on our website or in any of the publicity it is receiving.”

Hours later, United Gun Group tweeted that it would post Zimmerman’s ad. The new link was posted, along with a statement from Zimmerman. The site calls itself a “social market place for the firearms community.” more here

7 Comments on Zimmerman’s gun draws million-dollar bids in second auction attempt

  1. OLD news. NOT “unsure.”

    It’s long since been shown it was an anti-Zimmerman troll.
    The only remaining question is IF the highest seeming-honest bid (around $465,000!) will get it.

  2. That there is a Kel-Tec PF9. I owned one. Very small, fit very well in my large hands. 9mm single stack mag. Extremely concealable.

    Also the most unreliable pistol I have ever owned. I honestly and sincerely do NOT think that gun ever fed a single 7 round mag ONCE without a misfeed or malfunction of some kind.

    If you are counting on a carry pistol to protect you, no matter how unlikely it is you will need it, a gun like that WILL keep you up at night.

    I sleep soundly now that I carry a Glock 19. George Zimmerman is lucky to be alive. Not because St. Skittles tried to kill him, but because he was carrying a PF9 and had to use it.


    (I know someone else who owned a PF9 and put hundreds and hundreds of rounds through it and manually polished the feed parts in attempt to make it work right, he got rid of his as well)

  3. An anti- white- (hispanic) effort forced Florida into a show trial against a man who clearly was defending his life against a thug who was trying to kill him. It cost him his marriage, his money and his job. The state did this to him and made him infamous in the process. Now he finds a way to use that infamy to make a few bucks. Good for him. If he was smart he would take his profit and move out of Florida where he is easily recognized and harrassed and move to some distant state and change his name.

  4. does Zimmerman need the money that bad that he has to sell a gun that killed someone- he probably cant get a job unless he changes his name and moves far far away. I feel for any honest person that has to kill to save their own life- but to profit from it, I don’t know. have a nice day. 🙂

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