52 climate activists arrested in Washington railroad protest – IOTW Report

52 climate activists arrested in Washington railroad protest

Authorities cleared the railroad tracks of protesters and arrested 52 climate activists Sunday morning in Washington state, after a two-day shutdown.

anti oil idiots block trains

About 150 people spent the night in tents and sleeping bags on the tracks near two refineries in northwest Washington, according to BNSF Railway spokesman Gus Melonas.

They were asked to leave at about 5 a.m. and most gathered their belongings and left the area near Anacortes, Melonas said.  more

18 Comments on 52 climate activists arrested in Washington railroad protest

  1. Just get all those who were arrested and have said electric company’s turn off their home power. They will be on the cutting edge to push the US towards a green future, and there will be less fossil fuel needed to produce electricity. Win-win.

  2. It would be highly entertaining to send a group of officers to such a protest and begin confiscating oil-based products including signs, clothing, and pretty much anything requiring electricity or battery power.

    Then mow them down with a train.

  3. Trespassing on railroad property is a crime.
    They should have all been arrested.
    Barring that, a 2AM drenching with a fire hose would have cleared the excrement from the tracks.

  4. Processed and Released. Probably no appearance and no fine.

    That is no deterrent to curtail, prevent or discourage similar actions by the loony left (climate activists).

    Half-assed attempt by law enforcement and the judicial system against lawless behavior.

    No equality in the “PC” judicial system.

  5. The railroad knew about the protest in advance and rerouted rail traffic to avoid the area.

    They should have routed extra traffic through the area, preferably any nearby hazmat or livestock haulers.

  6. How dare they protest their buddy Barry’s buddy Buffet and his BerkshireHathaway Railroad Company where ol’ Warren makes fiddy cent a barrel for hauling all that potential energy down the rails.

  7. Okay – now I see. The railroad, and therefore law enforcement, knew about it beforehand, and let it take place for two days before pretending to “arrest” people. That was a nice theatre production.

  8. In the late 60’s out at the Port Chicago Ammo Depot here in California, protestors laid across the railroad tracks preventing the train from hauling ammo to the bunkers. The train engineer blew his horn for them to get out of the way. A couple of the protestors had their legs cut off, the engineer refused to stop. I’ll never forget that incident because stupid just is. The depot is now closed and the city is fighting with the county as what to do with the property. BTW, Port Chicago was where the ship blew up with live ammo on board during WWII. Many black sailors were killed and years later the families were asking for reparations and recognition for their loss.

  9. I know. Let’s stop selling petroleum products or delivering natural gas supplies to King County, Washington. In 24-hours, these Enviro-Pukes would be deep in hiding.

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