Huma has trouble with Weiner release – IOTW Report

Huma has trouble with Weiner release


LegalInsurrection: A new documentary about disgraced former congressman Anthony “Carlos Danger” Weiner, entitled Weiner, is scheduled for limited release on Friday, and with all that Huma Abedin (Mrs. Danger Weiner) has been through with her “excessive pay” investigation  as well as her recent FBI interview, it seems that she will be reliving the downfall of her husband.

watch the trailer here

8 Comments on Huma has trouble with Weiner release

  1. “…with all that Huma Abedin (Mrs. Danger Weiner) has been through with her “excessive pay” investigation…”

    What, exactly, has she “been through”? Fifteen minutes of timid, perfunctory questions by people who were annoyed that they even had to ask her anything? She got away with it, didn’t she? I have no sympathy for people who suck up to sociopaths and criminals.

  2. Pretty funny. The one thing to remember though is that if this were about a conservative it would play in more theatres then zoom right to HBO for multiple viewings and pop up again just before the elections. I figure it will get to cable but not for quite some time.

    Also remember if he had won the 2013 NYC Democrat nomination then the Mayoral office he could have hardly done a worse job then De Blasio. Probably a better one because he would have been trying to prove himself.

  3. @scr_north:

    Weiner was actually the most reliably centrist of all the Democratic mayoral candidates in 2013.

    He once went up to Michael Bloomberg at a reception and said to him, “If I succeed you as mayor, the first thing I’m gonna do is rip out your fucking bike lanes.” A pervert after my own heart.

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