China Officially Ignores Mao’s Cultural Revolution – IOTW Report

China Officially Ignores Mao’s Cultural Revolution

Today is the 50th Anniversary of the start of China’s Cultural Revolution. There are no official events recognizing the historic moment.


The ten year reign of terror imposed upon the communist nation was intended to purge the Communist party of opponents to Mao’s rule and to remind citizens of “Mao Zedong Thought.”

Though the state is trying to ignore the legacy of Mao’s repression on the educated and foreign influences, it has had long lasting effects on the country’s psyche.



10 Comments on China Officially Ignores Mao’s Cultural Revolution

  1. don’t blame ’em …. back in the day the dude used to be called Mao Tse Tung …. now he’s Mousey Dong
    … a bit embarrassing to say the least

  2. and so it should be 50 years in the future that there will be no celebration of Obama’s administration. It may take that long for all the brain washed low information voters to get over it.

    There are people still alive today that think the name Clinton means something positive- and I’m not talking about STD results.

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