Is There Any More US in the U.S.? – IOTW Report

Is There Any More US in the U.S.?

Man who choked 8-year-old girl in women’s restroom stokes alarm over transgender access – WASH TIMES

The attack by a man on an 8-year-old girl in a women’s restroom last week in a Chicago restaurant is raising alarm about opposite-sex access to public facilities in the name of transgender rights.


Chicago bans discrimination based on gender identity in employment, housing and public accommodations. Battles over whether such anti-discrimination ordinances apply to transgender bathroom access have spiked since Houston voters defeated 3-to-1 a so-called “bathroom bill” in November.


related —–>  Ann Barnhardt has given up on the United States

When I did my baconalicious koran burning five years ago, in an interview a few days afterward I was asked the following question:

iOTW –  In your video you pretty much dare Muslims to come and get you. Are you being a martyr, or do you pretty much have confidence that you can handle yourself?

Ann – Were the guys who volunteered to fight in all previous wars “martyrs”€?  Did the boys who enlisted in ’41 have a death wish?  No.  There just comes a point where any person of integrity knows that they have to fight.  I love G.K. Chesterton’s quote, “A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”  I love my country and my fellow man enough to be willing to lay down my life to defend them against evil.  And, yeah.  I can damn sure handle not only myself, but also an assault rifle, a big ass tactical shotgun, a sniper rifle, and a nine for those “intimate” encounters.

I no longer love what is behind me.  I have zero desire to fight for or in any way contribute to the continuance of what used to be called “The United States.”  Burn it.  Burn it to the ground.

What brought this post on?


HT/ numerous readers


29 Comments on Is There Any More US in the U.S.?

  1. I agree with Ann. This country has been systematically destroyed. Voting will not get us out of this. The GOP controls Congress and has done nothing to stop this. Nothing will be done to root out the bureaucrats that “make up” law as they go. The Courts don’t look to the Constitution to decide law.
    As to asking God to help? What makes you think we are deserving of it? Think about that.
    Look local. Get your things together. Get your family’s things together. Information is out there. gather it now. Time is getting short.

  2. America is already under God’s judgment. He has taken his hands off of us, turned us over to ourselves and is letting us run headlong into destruction. Our only hope is individual and national repentance. That said, better prepare for the worst because the rain falls on the just and the unjust and absent national repentance and awakening, we are in for it! Not if, but when!

  3. Ann can go fuck herself.
    *I* am an American, and
    *I* see plenty to love and defend.

    Ann’s nihilism has been simmering
    for too long.
    That’s her business.

    Telling other to destroy America
    makes it MY BUSINESS.

    ANN, go pack up the few bags
    you put in that van under the bridge
    (after defaulting on your house) and

  4. One question not answered:

    Was the male who attacked the 8-year-old girl in a women’s restroom last week in a Chicago restaurant dressed as a women?

    Was he a person with a penis who was impersonating a woman?

    No excuse either way, but this is the inflammatory case.

  5. CofD: Are you seeing what exists or only what you wish to see? What this Country stands for in my heart is not the country I see. Yes, there is good out there but is it “American” or just people being good to one another?
    Please, do not think I’m attacking your position. I am not a Catholic so I have received Ann’s vitriol in the past.

  6. Whoa Ann. Yeah it’s pretty fucking rotten but I still believe there’s an America worth fighting for. Our Lt Gov made the point people will pull their children out and will home school or demand vouchers.

    Vouchers are to the NEA what sunlight is to a vampire. Vouchers are the single greatest weapon we have against the #1 enemy of this country.

    The left NEVER gives up so what should we do? Follow Ann and give up? Let it burn down and from the ashes will rise a new American Phoenix?

    I’d be real careful about going down that whole let it burn down path. The left was intent on blowing it all up back in the day but realized it would be better to get control of our traditional institutions and use them against us.

    They control the media, Hollywood, schools, government bureaucracies and are working on the courts. They are able to bend policy constantly in their direction.

    Slowly we are straightening out that bend. It took them 60 years of fighting and not once did I ever hear a leftist say, fuck it, I’m hanging on the couch from now on.

    I’m not anywhere close to the point of saying just let the fucker burn.

  7. Stolen from WRSA:
    “I think we should all relax and keep doing what we’re doing in preparing for that inevitable fuck up that will turn into a shit storm of scary crap, and who knows for how long. The left will keep at it, fucking the country a little harder each time, in pursuit of their victory for the proletariat (aka; whoever they designate as the proletariat.) And we’ll keep doing what we’re doing, with an aware mind, equipped with intelligence, and a clear idea of what we stand for, and want to bring about, being some of the best weapons we have. It all looks like hopeless shit because the left pretty much does what it wants, and we’re constrained by the morality we possess.

    Don’t sweat it, every dog has his day, and ours is coming.

    Want to lose heart, want to betray?

    Well, don’t. This is the men’s department, and here, we do the difficult and grotesquely complicated shit, because we’re men, and we don’t quit, and we don’t despair because men that are winners don’t despair. They persevere.

    We are persistent, we are determined, and we are going to fucking win. And if anybody wants to know how the Irish and the Poles did it, you just read it.

    It will take a while, and it will suck and blow with every living breath, but in the end, we will win.

    Write THAT in stone.”

  8. I think a Kiddie Strike just might be effective,keep them HOME. 2 weeks ? a month? Whatever it takes. No students ? No Teachers,hit em where it hurts. Parents Unite! Lots of retires would be more than happy to help with child care. I would. Extend the school year if nec.
    And I think Ann is spot on.

  9. TO WiscoDave

    “Are you seeing what exists or only what you wish to see?”
    I see enough to love and protect, as well as more than enough to make me scream and holler.

    But: *I* DO NOT see enough to surrender and say “give up on America.”

    Listen: I called Ann a cunt awhile back, and didn’t explain why. So here: in MY book, a leader NEVER puts his/her followers unnecessarily/thoughtlessly in harm’s way. Ann had her 15 minutes of fame a few years back and developed quite a following.

    Then, she comes out with this (seemingly) harmless (but NOT, in reality, when you look at the potential repercussions) suggestion to use your real name and give up on anonymity, because “the government knows already” bla bla bla. HORSESHIT. Plenty of folks out there haven’t the slightest idea what damage could be done to their careers and persons if they simply did so. That was the next-to-last straw for me with this attention whore.

    This give-up-on-America crap is the last straw. That is classic TOKYO ROSE material right there.

    Politely said, Ann should put down the keypad once and for all, pick up a fishing pole, and just shove off.

  10. Well said Czar! Ann’s time has come and gone. She crossed the road long ago from bravely outspoken to needing a net thrown over her. I see the good in my country and feel love for our hard earned freedoms everytime I look at the big smiles of my eight year old twin grand kids. They deserve a future filled with the blessings of being an American that I had and still have. I will never concede to our enemies, even if they are my countrymen. Keep your powder dry my friends!

  11. Reading the comments from regressives in the comments section of the Wash Time piece is just mind-boggling. Unfortunately for them, they are going to have to wait and experience a female loved one (wife, daughter, niece, etc) get assaulted like that 8 year old girl before the common sense hammer finally rings out on their thick skulls.

    Just like the idiot lady from Sweden who thought the talk of refugees sexually assaulting women and girls was a lie and brought a couple in to stay with her family. Then her 10 year old daughter gets assaulted in her own home and will most likely be traumatized for years if not decades to come.

    That’s what it is going to take and I feel bad for the young daughters and nieces of these liberals whose lives are going to be put at risk so a PC agenda can be followed.

  12. To Czar:
    I also see enough to love and protect, hence my comments on family.
    My thoughts on what Ann said, and again these are MY thoughts, is that what America has become is no longer worth defending. That doesn’t mean that I will lay down my arms and quietly let enemies foreign and domestic take over. Far from it. But every action I take will not be in defense of America as it is but in defense of what I hope it can one day be again. Fighting for freaks to be able to shower with young girls is not worth it. Fighting for those that choose to suck on the teat of my labors rather than their own are not worth fighting for. Fighting for “Pajama Boy” is not worth it.
    Fighting so that those young women can grow up to be free; fighting for those that have the same “values” as I do; these are what is worth defending with my life.

  13. Was the male who attacked the 8-year-old girl in a women’s restroom last week in a Chicago restaurant dressed as a women?

    Was he a person with a penis who was impersonating a woman?

    Exactly. My first thought also. Is this guy the real boogeyman tranny that everyone has their pant(ies) in a wad or he merely a basic plain-vanilla pedophile/psychopath that needs to be put down like a rabid dog?

  14. I understand Ann’s frustration. Many people on the right brush off this transgender stuff as a “squirrel” distracting us from serious issues like walls and stuff. If we keep going the way we are, those walls won’t be needed to keep people out of the third world shithole we are becoming, they will be needed to keep us from fleeing.

  15. Thank you crazyeighter. This totally bugs me. We don’t know ANY particulars, yet the media has good Americans concentrating on this attack.

    What I see is that the edict from the king of hell, along with this case, is a great opportunity to again stick his finger in the eye of the populace. It’s a type of perverted “look, squirrel opportunity.” Plus, I think something else is going on and cannot figure out what exactly.

    I heard/read two different, important versions of the story. One version stated that the mother was NOT in the bathroom, that the young girl went to the jon by herself. The other version is that the mother was doing her business while the girl was in another stall.

    Any mother who lets her 8 year old daughter or son go into a jon by herself is delinquent as a mother – even at church.

    Our daughter wasn’t allowed into a jon until I knew she could take care of herself (Ti kuando) and was tall enough to go without sitting on the seat. Our sons didn’t go into the men’s room until they could take care of themselves (also Ti kuando). When they were around 9-11, I stayed right outside the men’s room door until they were at least 5’4″ and tough. They all quit taking lessons by their choice, when they learned how to kill an assailant.

    I reiterate that nothing excuses the actions of a crazy homicidal maniac, but people need to take responsibility for the safety of self and children.

    Something many people forget. Young women who have no real street smarts, have their noses in their iphones, rather than be totally aware of their surroundings, aren’t safe – period.

    I have lived at least the first 60 years of my life, as a relatively attractive woman and have been in a couple of near rape situations. Thank God, I learned from my mother (Dad died when I was young.) how to take care of myself, physically, mentally and spiritually.

    I am now crippled and look like easy prey. Not easy prey by any means.

    to be continued 🙂

  16. I swore an oath many years ago, and as far as I know, I am still beholden to it. This nation may be in bad shape, hell, ya might even say it’s in critical condition. But I am not ready to pull the plug. I was born in this nation.I served this nation, and I’ll die in this nation. But I’ll be damned if I will give up on this nation. She has life left in her still, as do I. Where there is life there is hope. Where there is hope,there is reason to fight.

  17. I’d love to know how, besides CC, the intelligent women of IOTW protect themselves and their children. Here are a few of my ideas.

    1.Women should always choose a very well trafficked rest room.

    2. Avoid sparsely traveled areas of department stores where there could be doors leading to storage closets, etc.

    3. Check upon entering, the people who are in the bathroom.

    4. Look under the stall doors at the feet of the people in the stalls.

    5. Teach yourself what men’s feet look like vs. women’s feet.

    6. If you don’t see feet, but the stall door is closed/locked, leave, Wait outside till someone else goes into the jon, then go in, and then try the door of the stall that looks empty.

    7. Don’t go into a beach changing room unless there are others in there. Same with a campground shower or jon.

    There are many other things, but the most important is BE AWARE of your surroundings.

  18. The United States of America … the Republic … no longer exists.

    “We, the People of the United States … do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

    This is a categorical statement that We, the People of the United States, are sovereign. That all … ALL … elected and appointed officials, thereof, are agents and Representatives of “We, the People.” When our “leaders” enact unnecessary “laws” and ordinances contrary to our Will, and we do not strike them down, then the Republic no longer exists, and we have morphed into something other than what is legal and just. When the SCROTUS, a creature formulated by that very same Constitution, decrees, without adherence to that Constitution, and we do not strike them down, then that Republic no longer exists. When political parties, which are private corporations (by the way) select those from which we “choose” our “leaders” (barring all others) contrary to our will, and we reticently accept that usurpation, then the Republic no longer exists.

    Does that imply that we no longer love our country? Or that we no longer love and respect the principles upon which that country was founded? Or that we should allow foreigners to occupy and dictate the terms of our existence?

    Not just NO … but HELL NO!

    It means that we should be willing to fight for our nation, our people, our homes, our loved ones … AGAINST those that deprive us of our lives, our liberties, and of our sacred honor … but NOT for the falsity of those liars and thieves who are actively and purposefully destroying the greatest nation known to mankind.

    One does not abandon one’s parent or spouse because it is ill.

    One seeks a cure.

    But it is nothing less than foolish to simply say that the cancer isn’t real and isn’t eating away the object of our veneration.

    izlamo delenda est …

  19. “Never Give Up” means NEVER GIVE UP!
    Just as “Never Submit” means fuck islam and fuck 0bama.

    Ann has a right to an opinion just like everybody else, and I don’t hold what she says against her. She really is a warrior.

    WE are America. Fight for US!

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