‘Intentionally deceptive’ Justice Dept. lawyers ordered to take ethics classes – IOTW Report

‘Intentionally deceptive’ Justice Dept. lawyers ordered to take ethics classes

Washington Times: A federal judge ordered the Justice Department to send its lawyers back to remedial ethics classes Thursday after finding that the administration repeatedly misled the court in the high-profile challenge to President Obama’s deportation amnesty.

Judge Andrew S. Hanen said the lawyers knew the administration was approving amnesty applications but actively hid that information both from him and from the 26 states that had sued to stop the amnesty.

Worse yet, even after the court ordered a halt to the whole amnesty, the Department of Homeland Security approved several thousand more applications, in defiance of the court’s strict admonition, Judge Hanen said, counting at least four separate times the government’s attorneys misled him.  MORE

8 Comments on ‘Intentionally deceptive’ Justice Dept. lawyers ordered to take ethics classes

  1. Ethic classes?

    How about jailed for direct contempt of court, followed by disbarment?

    For rules to be a deterrent, violation of said rules must have consequences (said no Democrat, ever).

  2. Wow. Agreed @Judge Dread– Where I’m from this isn’t remedied by remedial ethics classes, this is contempt and grounds for license suspension or disbarment. I’m sure these guys are being feted by their superiors and in line for a bonus from the obongo DOJ.

  3. When the total corruption starts at the Top with the POTUS and leaks like rotten corpse fluids down the chain..what’s to be expected? The top must be chopped off and then jerk out the felons below with charges of treason, maximum sentencing on convictions…

  4. What infuriates me is that I am about to go through and SEC audit and the auditors will tell me up front that any lies or misrepresentations to them are felony offenses, yet the justice department attorneys can lie to Federal judges with relative impunity.

    I agree contempt charges and disbarment are in order, followed by jail time. If you want to restore honor and integrity to the system, you have to punish this type of behavior.

  5. “… relative impunity …”
    You’re fuckin kiddin, right?
    “Go stand in the corner” is absolute impunity compared to what a mere citizen would get.

    One more proof that the Republic is dead.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. If you read the judge’s decision, you know he is unable to disbar the lying scum. He did what he could. He called out the woman who supposedly is in charge of ethical conduct at the DOJ and blistered her ass too. If it had been a Republican DOJ, it would be above the fold news for the next month.

    It’s still pretty fucking embarrassing. Ethical classes? For the DOJ?? You can bet your ass Obama/Jarrett are seething.

    The big plus is his demand for the name and contact information for every single illegal that obtained relief. When(and if) these people are deported, it’s gonna put a whole ‘nother kind of spin on this ball.

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