Ayatollah: America is the Major Idolator – IOTW Report

Ayatollah: America is the Major Idolator

FamilySecurityMatters: In a new verbal attack aimed at the United States despite the recently concluded nuclear deal, Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday that America is both the “great Satan” and a major idolator.

“Certain [governments] in the Islamic world, instead of clinging to the Qur’an, are clinging to taghut,” he told an audience of judges of an international Qur’an contest in Tehran.

“America is the major taghut and the great Satan,” he added. “Those who are implementing the American policy in the region are adhering to taghut.”

ya whatever get me a beer

Taghut is a theological term for one who severely transgresses Islamic tenets, usually translated as “idolator.” It’s a term more commonly used for fellow Muslims; the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) in its propaganda publication has labeled Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi “taghut,” while Sunni radicals frequently use the same term for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Khamenei accused some Islamic governments in the region of betraying the Islamic nation by helping the U.S. to implement its policies and prepare the ground to spread its influence.  MORE

3 Comments on Ayatollah: America is the Major Idolator

  1. See what happens when the Nation’s chief executive bows and pays $17 Billion Jizyah or jizya (جزْي) to the islamic ayatollah.

    obama has supported and funded terrorism, placing The US, Israel, Africa, Egypt, Yemen and Europe in the palm of islamic radical terrorists.

    Congress by doing nothing is complicit in this treason.
    And treason it is.

  2. I ain’t no “tag-nut”. I’s be an “in-fah-dell”.
    Now gimme another rack o’ ribs & a beer.

    If being a “taghut” and an “infidel” are so offensive to the ayatollah, then why is he selling Iran’s oil to The Great Satan and accepting our petrodollars?
    I’ll be SOOOO glad when we get a change of command in the White House, and start developing more of our own petroleum resources, become energy independent, and leave the ME to eat sand.

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