The Grand Pretension: Genderlessness and Genderless Marriage – IOTW Report

The Grand Pretension: Genderlessness and Genderless Marriage

American Thinker: When a man and a woman make love, the miracles of conception and birth are possible. When two men attempt the same, the most glorious result possible is an anal discharge of semen mixed with fecal matter.  Yet in our current age, the intellects of those who are our societal elites – from Supreme Court Justices to executives in boardrooms to the President now occupying the Oval Office – are completely unable to detect any important difference between the two.  Likewise, they are incapable of discerning a difference between male and female and the significance of complementarity.

Clearly, something is awry with prevailing views of marriage and human dignity when anal discharge constitutes consummation and genitalia are no longer indicative of gender.  The Self-Appointed Elites of our world have descended into depravity and are intent on taking each of us – especially our children and grandchildren – along with them.   MORE

3 Comments on The Grand Pretension: Genderlessness and Genderless Marriage

  1. It took the horrors of WW1 to expose the myth of the glories of War. What will it take before our current “Grand Illusion” of acceptable sexual “diversity” is revealed for what it truly is?

    Whatever it is, I have a hunch it won’t be pretty.

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