It was 1979 (not 2003) that Unleashed Political Islam – IOTW Report

It was 1979 (not 2003) that Unleashed Political Islam

AmericanThinker: It has become the fact in American political talking points, even Mr. Trump insists that what is going on in the Middle East today is the result of the President Bush’s 2003 policy in Iraq that opened the doors to chaos and the creation of ISIS.

No one, however, is going back to search for the root causes of the events in today’s complicated and problematic Middle East. The facts are, notwithstanding the forever continuing Palestinian/Israeli war, that the Middle East was kept relatively peaceful and political Islam and its terrorism was kept under control in a secular Iran until 1979.

It was President Jimmy Carter and the Western European leaders, with the total support of the Western media and socialist elites as the likes of Michel Foucault and Noam Chomsky, who decided to support the radical Shi’a Ayatollah Khomeini in taking over peaceful modernity-seeking Iran and establishing political Islam. Unfortunately, the same people are still supporting Islamic clerical imperialism as their child.  MORE

11 Comments on It was 1979 (not 2003) that Unleashed Political Islam

  1. Great post MJA. I remember like yesterday our helicopters crashing in the desert because this Freaken peanut farmer stripped our military budget to nothing. And a remember the Muzzie Blow jobs too. Back then I didn’t think much about them except they killed a bunch of Jewish wrestlers at the olympics. So yes this has been going on for a while and the similarities between Reagan and The Peanut Farmer, and Trump and the dope smoker are amazingly similar. Hey, at least Peanut boy made Chuck Norris a rich man.

  2. I was going to school a few blocks from the White House during the Shah’s last official visit in 1977. He paid lots of money to gather Iranian students from across the US to come to DC in a show of support.

    It backfired as they came and protested him. I remember seeing the procession complete with flatbed trucks staging mock executions. Hangings, firing squads that sort of thing. Trouble was just around the corner.

  3. 18 March 1314 with the death (murder) of Jacques De Molay and the banning of a knight brotherhood. Western politicians and their deals with Muslim leaders have been the largest problems in history.

  4. @Jagpald I was going to say much the same thing. Glad to know somebody else recognizes that war with Islam is certainly not new. President Jefferson, in 1801, sent a naval squadron to the Barbary Coast of northern Africa to protect American interests and prevent the kidnapping and enslavement of American sailors.,Isn’t about time that we recognize their true intentions?

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