Mexico to extradite El Chapo to U.S., won’t face death penalty – IOTW Report

Mexico to extradite El Chapo to U.S., won’t face death penalty

Reuters: Mexico approved the extradition of drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to the United States on Friday after receiving guarantees he would not face the death penalty, and the kinkgpin’s lawyers vowed to block the move.

Juan Pablo Badillo, one of Guzman’s lawyers, told Reuters he would file “many” legal challenges in the coming days, which could delay the drug lord’s eventual extradition for weeks.

Guzman, head of the Sinaloa drug cartel, was the world’s most wanted drug kingpin until his capture in January, six months after he broke out of a high-security penitentiary in central Mexico through a mile-long tunnel burrowed right up into his cell.


11 Comments on Mexico to extradite El Chapo to U.S., won’t face death penalty

  1. Welcome to the land of the absurd! He’ll fit right in with the muzzie recruiting operations in our prisons. And thanks Obama for allowing me to pay for another thug

  2. Did he commit any crimes on American soil?

    Maybe he should offer Obola some boss shit and secure a pardon … or agree to pay his back taxes like Timmy Geithner or just say “What difference, after all this time, does it make?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This looser is insignificant in this day and age of legalized medical pot. Mexico just gave him up because there’s no more money to be made from their dirt weed anymore. Now the money is in boarder crossings for the Isis crap. And we will take care of that crap too. Body bags, one size fits all! I’m only responsible for what I say, not what you don’t understand.

  4. Compared to Mexican prisons, most American prisons are 5 star hotels. Chapo is getting just what he wants – three hots and a cot, streaming tv and possibly a trendy prison job. How is this punishment for a deadly criminal.

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