Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans Live on TV and Get a Standing Ovation – IOTW Report

Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans Live on TV and Get a Standing Ovation

Cultural Marxism: Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor said on German television that “being German” in future will not mean having blonde hair and blue eyes, but being a Muslim migrant and wearing a hijab.  Note how the German audience applauded the eradication of their own people.

muslims in germany

  Because supporting the extinction of your own race is far less of a burden than – God forbid – being called a racist.  Kaddor was responsible for publishing the first German translation of the Koran for children and adults.  She also introduced Islamic education in German in public schools.  This was such a huge success it led to five of her students traveling to Syria to join ISIS.  Leftists and Muslims celebrating the demographic suicide of a nation is a common theme.  Green Party politician Stefanie von Berg said it was a “good thing” that Germans would become a minority in major cities. [2]


12 Comments on Muslim Scholar Celebrates Extinction of ‘Blue Eyed, Blonde Haired’ Germans Live on TV and Get a Standing Ovation

  1. When your butt ugly I guess you need to eliminate those that are superior to you. Personally I’ve felt that’s been the goal here in the U.S. for a long time.

  2. When white people finally wake the up to what is being done to us, it’s going to be a 100x worse for them then Nagasaki. It’s pretty close now. One or two dirty nukes, an EMP or even a Mumbi type mass murder with President Trump and a lot of moslims are gonna die.

    White people, when they finally are aroused, kill at a rate that should scare the shit out of these moslims. I guess they need to relearn the same lessons we need to too.

  3. At the Geneva convention we as humans decided that in order to avoid the kind of chaos we have now, that there would be certain rules regarding warfare.
    One of these rules involves uniforms.
    If a terrorist want to wage war outside the norms of the convention, their life, and the lives of those around them are forfeit.
    Here’s what should be done
    When caught they will treated humanely, interrogated, then shot.
    Their families will be sent out into the desert refugee camps to live out their lives where they and all their children will be sterilized.
    They too will be treated humanely, but they will never enter the world again.
    If that sounds harsh, so does setting a pressure cooker bomb full of nails down next to an eight year old boy in a crowd.
    They’re lucky I’m not President or they would be on turnstiles ten hours a day powering irrigation pumps until they die of old age.

  4. The Germans elected, then re-elected, the Germans who created, implemented, and were generously rewarded for implementing, the changes in Germany. Suicide’s only a failure if you survive. So, why will the Germans be missed?

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