Does Obama’s Troubled Childhood Explain His Bathroom Weirdness? – IOTW Report

Does Obama’s Troubled Childhood Explain His Bathroom Weirdness?

American Thinker: It is not considered polite to mention it, but Obama observers have ignored a great deal of evidence that the president of the United States was abused at approximately age ten and afterwards, in a way that would be criminal under American and European law.

This whole topic should be out of bounds for political debate, but now the grown up Barack Obama has issued an edict to American school systems, which are responsible for the welfare of millions of children in this country.  It is legally unprecedented that the president would direct whether schoolchildren should able to enter bathrooms reserved for a different gender.  It is Obama himself who has now pushed what Freud called psychosexual development onto the political stage, where it does not belong.

Medically and scientifically, the credibility of children’s beliefs about their own sexuality has no foundation in evidence.  Sexual development has been studied in psychiatry and psychology since the 19th century, usually by way of case histories.  But our truly reliable evidence is near zero.  Any nationwide policy affecting the psychosexual development of children is therefore absurd and irresponsible on its face.  Nobody knows for sure, because there is no scientific standard for sexual identity.  Some studies of so-called “sex change” surgery show high failure rates.  Until recently, no medical doctor would have authorized any unproven treatment for an underage individual.  The Obama edict therefore has no medical or scientific basis, to say the least.

The only explanation that makes sense comes from the young Barry Soetoro’s own life story.


15 Comments on Does Obama’s Troubled Childhood Explain His Bathroom Weirdness?

  1. Just because his probable father (Frank Marshall Davis) probably butt fucked Barry in his adolescent/childhood years (as admitted in his autobiography….comparing brown stains in each others shorts) doesn’t mean he’s screwed up in the head….but it probably does….

  2. I suspect Obama also was abused at the madrasah in Indonesia. Common practice for that herd, ya know? Also, I really want to know WHY Obama’s mother and husband wanted to off-load him at age 10. There is something so wrong there.

  3. @MJA….do a photo comparison with Frank Marshal Davis and Barry…compare the eyebrows, ear lobes, freckles and moles, skin tone, mouth lines….ask a geneticist about the common traits…DNA don’t lie…even if the gloves don’t fit…

  4. The activities of tribal folk in Africa dovetail nicely with the activities of the Bedouins and the Persians.
    They screw little boys, and molest little girls.
    Explain to me why they should be allowed to procreate.
    There is civilization, and there is savagery.
    Explain to me why there should not be a wall.
    There is the modern world and there is barbarism, voodoo, witch burning, slavery
    Explain to me why there should not be separation from their diseases, their ignorance, their violence.
    The job of the people in the First world is to help the people in the second and third worlds, NOT to invite them into the parlor and offer them cigars.

  5. I also think part of this whole allowing men to invade women’s restrooms has something to do with trying to break down the ideal that individuals have a right to personal privacy.

  6. Yes. yes it does, Mr. Lewis. And you don’t have to go much farther than Barkah’s own poetry to figure that out:

    “…Pop takes another shot, neat,
    Points out the same amber
    Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine, and
    Makes me smell his smell, coming
    From me…”

    Obama is really effed up, and he’s going to get much worse. Thank god he’ll be out of office soon.

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