David Brooks Gushes Over Hillary: ‘Warm and Caring’ – IOTW Report

David Brooks Gushes Over Hillary: ‘Warm and Caring’

DailyWire: There’s a common human tendency to make decisions simpler by downplaying the risks of one of the options. Those who believe that the United States ought to take in Syrian refugees pretend there is no risk to security in doing so; those who think that America ought to end sanctions on Iran imagine to themselves that Iran is a nation seeking peace. Those who believe that Republicans ought to vote for Donald Trump to stop Hillary Clinton minimize the risks that Trump will be an ad hoc authoritarian without conservative principle, and that Trump will gut the conservative movement like a fish.

The same holds true on the other side.

For those Republicans who oppose Donald Trump, the easy tendency is to minimize how terrible Hillary Clinton would be as president, to dismiss her as a Bill Clinton lookalike. She isn’t. She’s incremental Bernie Sanders. She will be the second-worst president in history after Barack Obama. She will cripple our military, appoint wild leftist judges, pursue massive economic restrictions. She will attempt to dictate from the White House.

Other considerations make voting for Trump an issue. But it’s not because Hillary will be less than terrible.  MORE

7 Comments on David Brooks Gushes Over Hillary: ‘Warm and Caring’

  1. “I Miss Barack Obama”

    That’s the first time I’ve ever read that and naturally the words trickled down the brain stem slightly different.

    “I, Ms. Barack Obama”, do solemnly swear…

  2. “Warm and caring” eh? Well, she IS warm – warm like Florida road kill by mid-morning. And Caring? Are you kidding me? Do you know ANYONE who cares more about herself and is more totally self-centered than the ol’ Dead-Eye Dyke? (Barky excepted, of course.)

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