Secretary-General Of Palestinian Presidency Delivers Speech On Behalf Of President ‘Abbas: In Fighting For Palestine, Our People ‘Loves Death More Than Life’
MEMRI: On May 22, 2016, Palestinian Presidency Secretary-General Al-Tayeb ‘Abd Al-Rahim delivered a speech on behalf of Palestinian President Mahmoud ‘Abbas to a group of Palestinian National Security Forces. The speech was part of a ceremony celebrating their second-place win in the international 8th Annual Warrior Competition, which took place in Jordan on May 2-6, 2016.[1]
In his speech, ‘Abd Al-Rahim condemned attempts to intimidate the Palestinian people and divert it from its path, and called such attempts futile, as “our [Palestinian] people loves death more than life.” He added that the National Security Forces victory was a step on the way to establishing an independent Palestinian state, and rejected the notion of establishing a separate independent entity in Gaza, or a state with temporary borders in the West Bank alone.
The following are excerpts from the speech:
‘We are a people who loves death more than life when it fights for Palestine’
I say give everything they love.
Give me a AR10, a 6-10 power scope, an unlimited supply of .308, and a mat, I’ll be more than glad to give them their li’ll ol’ pea-pickin’ heart’s desire.
Man are we in trouble.
What was that quote by Golda Meir? Along the lines of, until the arabs love their children more than death, we will not have peace in the Middle East. Nice to have that independently verified, even if it is by a bunch of goat humping assholes.
… so you haven’t heard about the 72 raisins?
“Give me SunKist, or give me Death!”
The Moor loves death above all things.
Life to the Moor is a chance to give death to others
Hatred, brutality, and the feud are their food and drink.
They refuse to fight with honor in the manner of men. But skulk in the shadows and mask their faces like criminals.
They should be treated like bugs and eradicated,
Their societies destroyed, and their offspring sterilized.
The future does not belong to those who want and offer only death, hatred and brutality.
I say serve them an all you can eat buffet of death.