“Bias Response Team” – PC hit squads – IOTW Report

“Bias Response Team” – PC hit squads

Barbwire: Further proof that there are too many colleges/universities in America, too many people are attending them, and they have way too much money.

The latest thing in this bizarre neo-Stalinist landscape is the “Bias Response Team” (BRT), a panel of inquisitors who “investigate” any piffling complaint of incorrect speech or hurt feelings. The complaint doesn’t have to make any sense: a sign in a lunchroom admonishing people to clean up after themselves was taken down for being “sexist.”

Anyone can make a complaint–anonymously: which makes it really tough for the accused to defend himself. There are no rules of evidence–in fact, no rules at all. Anyone can rat you out for any reason. And then the BRT can sentence you to sensitivity training, or even get you kicked out of school. It’s sort of like a Canadian “human rights” tribunal, only more so (if that were possible).  more

6 Comments on “Bias Response Team” – PC hit squads

  1. “Bias Response Team” (BRT), a panel of inquisitors who “investigate” any piffling complaint of incorrect speech or hurt feelings. The complaint doesn’t have to make any sense…”

    They’re working on “Ghostbusters 3” already?

  2. Almost too easy! Since you can file a report anonymously, lets all do it!

    Use Alinksy’s Rules for Radicals, #4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

    -> If you are accused of saying something that someone (unnamed) found offensive, your response should (naturally) be, “what you just said offends be horribly! I’m going to file a report ON YOU, and probably criminal charges, too.”

    -> If someone dings you because they have an “zero tolerance rule,” then, say “wow! Me too! I have a zero tolerance rule for anyone who tries to bash me when a zero tolerance rule. So from now on I will ignore ANYTHING you say. No, I’m sorry, please be quiet now and go away. I do, as you know, have a zero tolerance rule that you have violated. I HAVE to enforce the rule.”

    And so on. We don’t have to take their crap — shove it right back at them and make them eat it.

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