Caught! Professors and President of Cal State University Conspire to Block Conservative Speakers – IOTW Report

Caught! Professors and President of Cal State University Conspire to Block Conservative Speakers

william covino and nutty professors

After violent protests and campus efforts erupted recently to block Ben Shapiro from speaking on campus, Professors and the President of Cal State University Los Angeles are caught on camera conspiring to prevent future conservative speakers on campus. One Professor even calls Ben Shapiro a “Neo-Nazi” or “Neo-KKK Member!” Disgusting!!!

—- PJmedia

6 Comments on Caught! Professors and President of Cal State University Conspire to Block Conservative Speakers

  1. I attend Cal State East Bay. There’s a lot of assholes walking around with Bernie buttons. I’ve seen it all — from a dyke psychology prof. who’d shoehorn Reagan insults into every lecture to and environmental studies prof. who advocated drinking piss to an english prof. who insisted we drafted women into Vietnam.

  2. So what’s new here, it is Cali after all, So who’s going to take corrective action, Gov Moonbeam, doubtful; the State Assembly,more doubtful; Janet Napolitano, even more doubtful! Any parent that pays to send their child to one of these colleges is crazy.

  3. The only way to stop this crap is to:
    1 End tenure. There is no recipe for poisonous activity more inevitable than somebody who cannot be fired who has a position of middling authority
    2. Vote with your tuition dollar. Take your kids out of there. Let it become a home for the criminally insane, and fall into disrepair and become a haunt for miscreants
    3. Replace every fired professor with a retired military or law enforcement officer
    4. For every existing liberal college, build five military schools.
    5 (Lazlo’s personal fave) Gather the villagers, storm the building and tar and feather those arrogant sons of bitches

  4. Lazlo, why make it so complicated?
    Take the Federal government out of education, pass the job to the states, and 90+% of the problem will vanish as the parasites relocate to a new host.

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