Conservatives, It’s Time to Power Down the Left’s Cultural Heist – IOTW Report

Conservatives, It’s Time to Power Down the Left’s Cultural Heist

Your viewing habits, subscriptions, buying patterns and education choices are collectively powerful enough to permanently put these frauds out of business. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, but this is a fight we didn’t start and we can no longer avoid.

Conservative Review: Let’s be clear with one another, the far-Left assault on our culture, our families, our economy, our healthcare, our children’s education, and on our basic freedoms will NEVER end. Please do not delude yourself into thinking that the radical Left will stop when they enact one more tax hike or when men are allowed in the women’s bathroom. It will never stop. Their entire ideological house is built on a bedrock of government force as a tool to control your lives, and control is both a destination and a journey for the far-Left.

Every day the far-Left works to discredit any legitimate challenge to their self-proclaimed moral and legal authority to forcefully lord over the details of your lives. Stable families, religion, and long-standing cultural norms are declared enemies because they are competitors for both moral and legislative authority and must be crushed. Christians who believe that their rights come from the Lord will never look to government to be told what is right and what is wrong, and believe government to be a legitimate authority only when it operates within the scope of the powers delegated to it by the people. This cannot coexist with modern liberalism as they seek to marginalize, delegitimize, insult, and prosecute their ideological opposition, while taking cradle-to-grave control over our lives.

Knowing this, we all should start thinking not simply about elections but also about how we are going to resist this onslaught to our freedoms.


10 Comments on Conservatives, It’s Time to Power Down the Left’s Cultural Heist

  1. I suppose I’ve made a good start by not owning a television set. I haven’t gone to the movies in about five years. And this is the website I visit the most frequently.

  2. I gave up TV in the mid 70’s. I own one, a 75″ unit, but have no TV service. My grandson plays games on occasionally and I use it to watch movies.
    TV is a big influence attitudes that most take for granted that everyone has come from TV and people are often taken aback that I don’t hold them.

  3. Target should be first on the list. I would love nothing better than to see those bastards crash and burn for their perverse stance on bathrooms. Their Boardroom must be the biggest collection of fukced-up, Double-Dutch-Rudder fashion designers and interior decorators on the planet cuz they sure as Hell don’t know much about business! Start there, then stop watching all the freak-shows and train-wrecks on Bravo, TLC, etc, of some kind of so-called “Reality”!
    Continue on with the “News”. Most of this is Left wing pablum designed to shape opinion otherwise known as propaganda!

  4. Wife and I ditched cable shortly after we were wed in ’98. Money was tight so it was either that or internet, which we mainly wanted for email. Now we’ll never go back. We have a 10 year old tube TV that’s starting to act up and a DVD player. That’s it. Our girls do not know what dreck and filth is on TV these days and it’s going to stay that way as long as their under my roof.

    Whenever I’m somewhere with cable/satellite, I’m astounded at how literally base, vapid and crude it’s become. Some quality stuff here and there but I can’t watch the bulk of it but for a few minutes. Hundreds of channels of basically nothing and people pay through the nose for it. Unbelievable.

  5. John – I don’t have to burn them down. Those fools are doing a helluva job of it all by themselves with a Hindenburg class stock crash and Billions in losses on top of already huge losses due to mismanaged security policies! All I have to do is sit back and smile at the stupidity of arrogant Progressives trying to run a business like some kind of social engineering experiment!

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