Hillary’s email blast: Trump ‘really could’ win! SEND ME MONEY!!!11!! – IOTW Report

Hillary’s email blast: Trump ‘really could’ win! SEND ME MONEY!!!11!!

WT: Faced with sagging fundraising numbers, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign on Friday appealed to supporters and admitted it was wrong in assuming Donald Trump couldn’t possibly win a general election contest.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told supporters in an email that the campaign took for granted that donations would pick up once a Clinton vs. Trump November match-up became certain.

Instead, the campaign says fundraising numbers in May have dropped, and the Clinton operation’s assumption that voters would reject Mr. Trump have been proven wrong.  MORE


*Cough cough choke cough choke*


17 Comments on Hillary’s email blast: Trump ‘really could’ win! SEND ME MONEY!!!11!!

  1. Or buy a pallet of Chelsea’s book! But wait! There’s more!! For a limited time, buy one pallet of Chelsea’s book and get two pallets of “Hard Choices”!!

  2. I have to say that I am really loving the way the year has been playing out for the Hildabeast.

    Just as when she was sworn into the Senate in 2001, she thought that all she’d have to do was show up and be crowned queen.


    Sanders has been a much more formidable candidate than anyone expected. (And BTW I think she ignores him at her peril. It would SO serve her right to lose all the remaining primaries in June.) She’s sinking deeper and deeper into the e-mail scandal’s quicksand, and Trump is going to be an even more difficult opponent than Sanders.

    I hope the evil bitch keels over from a stress-related heart attack.

  3. Mary Jane Anklestraps.

    When I first looked at that headline I thought it read:

    “Hillary’s Anal Blast:”


  4. Dead-Eye will bow out claiming “health reasons”, she will NOT ask her delegates to back the Dumb Bernie, the convention will be open, and the Dem ticket will be “Einstein” Biden and “Woo-Woo” Warren, and they will lose.

  5. Testing, because I just wrote a comment under the FGM thread (twice) and it didn’t take.

    BB — I worry about that, too. So I don’t go there.

    However, and speaking of God: Has anyone else noticed just how strange it’s been these past several months that everything is going Our way and everything seems to be not going Their way? I can only chalk it up to divine intervention. I can’t find the precise scripture but there is one about God’s power to make our enemies do and say precisely the opposite of what they mean to do and say, thereby causing their own downfall. I know He has said that they carry the seeds of their destruction.

  6. “and help make sure the most extreme, erratic presidential nominee in history never makes it to the White House”. He just doesn’t get it; add corrupt, soulless, evil, fraudulent and etc and you have HILLARY!

  7. And we see once agai,n the Hildebeest (take-off of wildebeest, naturally) playing the “i am broke, send me money, no questions asked” card… her and the Clinton Cartel vaults are full of money, but shuuuush….no one shall speak of that!

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