Party like it’s 1399 – IOTW Report

Party like it’s 1399

Iranian college students given 99 lashes for coed party.

[SNIP: In San Francisco, they have to pay up front for that to happen. But, whatever. Continue…]

ArutzSheva: Dozens of students arrested, lashed as Islamic regime ramps up crack down on ‘immoral behavior’.

Dozens of Iranian college students were arrested in the city of Qazvin, Iranian officials said, in what observers say is part of a wider crack-down on “immoral behavior”.

According to the Mizan news agency, the students were arrested at an “immodest” graduation party which included both men and women. The students were questioned over their involvement in the event, then given 99 lashes – all within hours of their arrest.

Esmail Sadeghi Niaraki, the local prosecutor in Qazvin, said the female students were “dancing and jubilating” while “half naked”, and that police had been tipped off about the party.  MORE

[SNIP: Ah there it is. Someone didn’t get invited to the party so they had to ruin it for everybody.
What is a “half naked” female by Islamic standards? Wearing open-toed sandals?]

4 Comments on Party like it’s 1399

  1. I feel so bad for these kids. Islamic by birth, but not by choice, I’m sure. Remember the Iranian teens who did a little video, singing and dancing to Pharrelll Williams song, “Happy”? Boy, did the regime come down hard on them. The girls wore jeans in the vid and I think some did not have their heads covered. I think at first they were sentenced to death but then had their sentences pulled back to lashes with a whip. Probably enough to kill them. Every time I hear that song, I think of those poor kids and say a prayer.

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