Hey Conservatives, Stop Apologizing for the Failures of Liberalism – IOTW Report

Hey Conservatives, Stop Apologizing for the Failures of Liberalism

RestoringLiberties: A few months ago, while attending a political event, I listened to a former GOP legislator begin her speech this way, “Republicans don’t hate women and Republicans aren’t racists…” Upon hearing this, I was appalled. Although I don’t believe this lawmaker has any malicious intent, her opening set the table for her speech and made it seem as if standing for conservative principles meant something other than what it actually means. As conservatives, we don’t have anything to apologize for. We didn’t do this.

The destructive politics of division, frequently employed by the far-left, are legitimized when we play their game and render apologies for policies we not only had nothing to do with, but policies which we stand in direct opposition to. It’s time to put the far-left back on its heels and go on the offense. We need to immediately start holding them to account for the destruction they have caused and stop offering illogical apologies.  more

5 Comments on Hey Conservatives, Stop Apologizing for the Failures of Liberalism

  1. Bravo, MJA! This is an articulately written piece that corresponds to the short conversation I had with Big Fur Hat the other day. I think we can change the cultural landscape, grabbing it out of the cultural marxists’ hands if we can stop framing the argument using their premises as a starting point. I believe, in part, it is a matter of introducing an aggressive takeover of the language; replacing our defensive posture and leading with offense.

    Thanks for posting this.

  2. I’m not a misogynist or racist just because some liberal dope makes that claim instead of presenting coherent and rational argument in a debate. Instead, why don’t liberals watch what conservatives do? We want blacks to succeed and become productive members of society – it helps them, and it helps everyone. Women have the right to choose what path they take. People deserve to be treated with respect. We want everyone to have the personal liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Legal immigrants are welcome, but they need to realize that they are now in the United States, which is not a political subdivision of any other country in the world. If you like European socialism, move to Europe because we left Europe in the dust decades ago. We say America is great because it is.

    Virtully everything conservatives stand for is a win-win for everyone. No pitting different groups against each other. No sacrificing rights of the majority to cater to a tiny minority – everyone gets exactly the same rights and has the same obligations. Big government is rarely the solution, and is usually the problem.

    Deep down, liberals know they are wrong. But conservatives will allow liberals to be wrong all they want just so long as they don’t fuck things up for everyone else. Liberals have to shout down or ban conservative speakers because they know that conservative speakers frequently speak truth to power. Liberals have to try to ban religion, and in particular Christianity because those tenets are the backbone of our society. Conservatives want people to be free to create – liberals only want to destroy. Without the power of the government supporting them, liberals know that they will never amount to anything other than kooky fringe players in the game of life.

    Liberals need to apologize to me.

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