Canada’s foreign minister says nothing as China’s foreign minister trashes Canada – IOTW Report

Canada’s foreign minister says nothing as China’s foreign minister trashes Canada

“What a coward” — While China’s foreign minister trashed Canada, Dion silently “wished his mummy was there”.

TheRebel: The Communist Party of China represents real China as poorly as the Communist Party of the Soviet Union represented real Russians. It doesn’t represent them. It oppresses them.

China’s foreign minister Wang Yi came to town, for meetings with Trudeau and Stephane Dion, the foreign minister. And they had a press conference.

Canadian reporters agreed on a joint question — and when Wang Li heard it, (he) lost his cool.

He attacked Canada’s free press and our right to ask questions of powerful people.

But look at Stephane Dion.

3 Comments on Canada’s foreign minister says nothing as China’s foreign minister trashes Canada

  1. Police cars in a town in Ontario, Canada are now sporting Arabic writing above the other symbols on the car. Above means a higher place of honor.
    So WTH does it mean when they place the muzzie scribbling directly above the Canadian Maple Leaf?? It means that Canada submits to islam.

    There are more Latino residents in London, Ontario than there are moslems, yet no Spanish text on the police vehicles. It’s like they are looking forward to being cornholed and beheaded by the followers of the pedophile muhammad.

    The whole world is crazy.

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