Michelle’sMirror: The most holy season of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast from sunup to sundown, is met with varying levels of tolerance around the world.
In China, home of the Uighur (pronounced wee-gur) Muslim sect, fasting has been banned:
“Party members, cadres, civil servants, students and minors must not fast for Ramadan and must not take part in religious activities,” AFP quoted a notice posted on Thursday on the government website of central Xinjiang’s Korla city as saying.
Funny thing is, more muslims get burnt…
Ah yes, Brigitte Bardot.
Back in the day when women didn’t go crazy with the bikini wax.
Before stretch nylon or knit poly, those bathing suits were so uncomfortable – zippers in the back, stays in the bust area. It was like wearing a corset or a long line bra. But then I digress many decades.
The muslims digressed many centuries.
Leave it to the Chinese to not outsmart themselves with faux santimony, multi-culturalism and assorted nonsense. The Chinese are the new capitalists, the new Americans. While Americans dink around with identity politics, the Chinese make money, go on vacations, buy themselves nice things….
All dressed up in a Hefty bag on a nice hot beach – That thing must smell like roadkill after a few hours.
One way to break up the Muslim “unions”
Who are the Uyghurs?
Burkas on the beach make as much sense as non-alcoholic beer…
Wait until they see my dick-out!
Happens usually when I can’t pass the women’s tee.