No, Orlando gay nightclub shooter was NOT TEAparty. He was a registered Democrat. – IOTW Report

No, Orlando gay nightclub shooter was NOT TEAparty. He was a registered Democrat.

AT: [ThomasLifson]  The shooter who killed 20 and wounded 42 at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Omar Mir Siddique Mateen, was a registered Democrat who has voted in at least 3 recent general elections, according to He registered to vote on July, 19,2006, but skipped the election that November. But he voted by absentee ballot in the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, presumably for his party’s candidate, Barack Obama. He even voted in the off year 2014 general election, this time showing up at the polls to vote, perhaps a sign of increasing political enthusiasm.

Why bother noting this? Becuase if he had been a Christian Republican, you can bet everything you own that the media would be trumpeting it from the rooftops. And if he had owned any Trump paraphenalia, it would be the biggest story in the world.  MORE

23 Comments on No, Orlando gay nightclub shooter was NOT TEAparty. He was a registered Democrat.

  1. I understand the intent and realize turnabout is fair play in the political arena but let’s not forget the victims and their families in all this. Prayers to all involved

  2. Of course he was a registered Democrat. However, the MSM will gloss over that particular fact by focusing on getting everyone to believe that Religion had nothing to do with the attack, and that guns are to blame, and that Trump is at fault because he believes in the Second Amendment, and wants to curtail immigration. They will further claim that none of this would have happened if our borders were wide open, and if we implemented Sharia law, and if we elect Hillary, she will make everything all right.

  3. 0bama’s BENGAYZE

    Born 11/16/86
    Lived at 2513 S. 17th St. APT 107
    Forte Pierce,
    Lucie County, FL
    Voter ID # 114484524
    Registered to vote 7/19/06

  4. Quite a problem! Two highly protected, and valued, democrat groups got into a fatal kerfluffle! The usual suspects predictable and incoherent rants of gun control won’t be enough! Who now goes under Obama’s bus?

  5. These state sanctioned mass casualty zones humorously called ‘gun free zones’ need to e eliminated.
    That coward got into a shooting incident outside the club with a police officer.
    Then he had 3 hours to kill and maim people before action could be taken.
    If even a couple of people in there had been armed the toll would have been significantly reduced, maybe even to just one, the one that deserved to die.

  6. JohnS, if FL it’s against the law for a CCW carrier to carry in a business that serves alcohol. Back in the early 90s I lived in Orlando, and had a CCW.

    it’s actually not a bad idea, as alcohol and firearms make a bad mix, especially in an environment of sexual permissiveness and head games. Some folks just don’t know how to exercise restraint. The only way this would have been prevented would have been to have armed security in the parking lot, where the mudslime would have been seen approaching, and therefore been taken down.

  7. The Orlando Police Chief just said that the 11 officers involve in the shooting of the muslim terrorist were relieved of duty pending an investigation as per procedure.
    He then said their names will be release at a later date.
    My question is why? Why released their names? We don’t need to know their names. ISIS does. Why put their lives and the lives of their families in danger?
    I swear, there is something really fucked up with our PC law enforcement.

  8. JMV, I pointed out that very thing earlier but they need to change the law to allow ccw into bars providing the ccw limit his drinks to Blue Dolphins. (Water)

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