Hillary Clinton calls for more gun control after Orlando attack — in Spanish – IOTW Report

Hillary Clinton calls for more gun control after Orlando attack — in Spanish

AM: Instead of acknowledging “radical Islamic terrorism” as the culprit, Hillary Clinton called for gun control in reaction to the attack at an Orlando gay club.

In Spanish.
Clinton writes in part (translated):

…we need to keep guns like the ones used last night out of the hands of terrorists or other violent criminals. This is the deadliest mass shooting in the history of the United States and it reminds us once more that weapons of war have no place on our streets. more

18 Comments on Hillary Clinton calls for more gun control after Orlando attack — in Spanish

  1. Yup, the people who came up with that cockamamie Constitution, are surely to blame.

    Show me Hillary, where does it state anywhere in that document that criminals and terrorists are allowed to own firearms?

  2. more laws would not have prevented that atrocity in Orlando. Undoubtedly everything he did was illegal every step of the way, can’t hardly make it more illegal.

  3. “Orlando”

    Jinn soldiers and clinton coming,
    We’re finally on our own.
    This summer I hear the drumming,
    Fifty dead in Orlando.

    Gotta get down to it
    moslemss are cutting us down
    Should have been done long ago.
    What if you knew them
    And found them dead on the ground
    How can you run when you know?

    Gotta get down to it
    moslems are cutting us down
    Should have been done long ago.
    What if you knew them
    And found them dead on the ground
    How can you run when you know?

    Jinn soldiers and clinton coming,
    We’re finally on our own.
    This summer I hear the drumming

    50 dead in Orlando

  4. Quote:
    AM: Instead of acknowledging “radical Islamic terrorism” as the culprit, Hillary Clinton called for gun control in reaction to the attack at an Orlando gay club.

    I must disagree, though some may consider it semantic only. The Left is at fault. If it were not for the Left, Islamism, today, would be little more than a footnote in history, marked by little more than a few speeches by our ancestors.

    An aside: I fond it interesting that my combination of OS and web browser find the word “Islamism” to be a misspelling. LinusMint + Firefox, for those interested.

  5. It’s not ‘radical muslim terrorism’ it is “muslim terrorism”
    Adding the word ‘radical’ makes Islam blameless, and only people who want Islam to be blameless add that extra word.
    So, unless you believe the problem is really just a few knuckleheads that need to be found and rounded up, one should not add the extra term ‘radical’.

  6. Obama actually admits that the attack is an act of terror, and an act of hate, then goes on to blame guns. But still can’t manage to say Radical Islam. Our President is a traitor, and should be tried for it.

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