Court vacates $1.8M Ventura award in ‘American Sniper’ case – IOTW Report

Court vacates $1.8M Ventura award in ‘American Sniper’ case

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A federal appeals court on Monday threw out $1.8 million in damages awarded to former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, who said he was defamed by the late author Chris Kyle in the bestselling book “American Sniper.”

The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals also sent a portion of the case — Ventura’s defamation claim — back to the district court for a new trial, saying Ventura’s attorneys made improper remarks and the trial court “clearly abused its discretion in denying a new trial.”

Messages left with Ventura, his publicist and his attorney were not immediately returned Monday. An attorney for Kyle’s estate had no comment and referred questions to publisher HarperCollins, which said it was reviewing the opinion and had no comment at this time.  More here

14 Comments on Court vacates $1.8M Ventura award in ‘American Sniper’ case

  1. Ventura blew any credibility, standing with the SEAL community and honor of thinking people years before this issue.
    Jesse just proved what many of us thought all along, He’s a worthless, lying POS.
    What goes around come around……some times not soon enough.

  2. My limited experience is that “do they have insurance” is one of the first things someone says when a jury retires to deliberate. There is no doubt in my mind that juries tend more to”generosity” when they think it’ll be Big Insurance taking the hit.

  3. Yes, by God, there IS justice! Now if only a group of Seals would take this bastard out, beat the shit out of him, and fold him up into a 55 gallon drum, I’d be very happy!

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