FDR Was NOT A Hero: He Was A BIGOT – IOTW Report

FDR Was NOT A Hero: He Was A BIGOT

TheLid: Typically, when one asks a Democrat about FDR they immediately develop a sense of awe that reminds me of those little green aliens (undocumented space men?) in Toy Story every time they see Buzz Lightyear.” AHHHHH!”

I’ve never understood the reverence for Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He gets points for picking great Generals and led this country to victory in WWII. But he totally mismanaged the economy, during the recession of 1937 unemployment reached 19% (the great depression high was 25%), his freedom-sapping policies never did get this country out of the Great Depression, and don’t forget that he tried to circumvent constitutional separation of powers (now who does that remind me of?). And then there is the issue never discussed, he was a bigot, his hatred of Jews caused thousands to be added to the ranks of Hitler’s victims, and his hatred of asians convinced him to put Japanese Americans into internment camps.   more here












Pictured: FDR, Eleanor in hell.

11 Comments on FDR Was NOT A Hero: He Was A BIGOT

  1. FDR deliberately prolonged the Depression to gain a third term. As fate would have it, he used the old ploy, “The Triumph of Spectacle.” This was achieved by taunting the Japanese into bombing Pearl Harbor. That enabled him to stick the United States into WWII. It was Germany, however, that was really his target country. The war gave FDR a fourth term, albeit shortened.

  2. The worst argument I ever had with my dad was after I mentioned all the card-carrying Marxists FDR had in his government. I was banished to my room for blaspheming the Saint of the Great Depression.

  3. Lies work.
    Propaganda works.
    Corrupting the “educational system” works.

    Facts are a hard sell – truth – even harder.

    “It is easier to lie to someone than it is to convince him he’s being lied to.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Here’s my two cents…Ole’ “Feather Duster” Roosevelt, as he was known in college because he wasn’t that bright, could hardly even speak English by the time he went to college because his nanny’s were all Swiss and German!

    Worse, his programs were just the continuation of Woodrow Wilson’s leftist, progressive insanity. You know, the man who violated the Constitution with the never properly ratified 16th amendment (Income Tax). “A graduated, punitive income tax system…otherwise know as the second plank of Marxism! The Constitution is very clear, “All direct taxes must be apportioned (spread equally among the populace)”

    I can’t wait to hear FDR in Hell’s thoughts on this?

  5. I learned never to talk about FDR with my sainted MIL. She was a great gal, but FDR was right below Jesus and the angels. She listened to him on the radio during the Depression and he could no no wrong.

  6. Anonymous has the key: FDR ‘brought us’ through the Depression therefore he is a saint and a hero. He was there when we finally began the recovery, which began because of, um, something. HE DIDN’T CAUSE IT HE DIDN’T CAUSE IT HE DIDN’T CAUSE IT !!!
    How is it in Hell, Franklin?

  7. Story was an interesting read. I didn’t know that aspect about Roosevelt although I can certainly believe it. I’m sorry to say Canadians were just as bad as he was at that time. McKenzie King (our Prime Minister at that time) also refused entry of the passengers of the St Louis. King was persuaded not to let these people in (which was more or less a death sentence as the people in power knew) by an immigration official named Frederick Blair. Shame on us.

  8. in the Midwest, many women would insist on nickels and quarters when they got change instead of dimes because of the worthless SOB. I asked my Grandma about it and she said it was because he lied and told all the moms that he would keep up out of the war. Within a year we were in it and yes that bastid set us up… Also check how many soldiers shipped out of Pearl on Dec 6th, then check the last names against congressman and influential people. Another story that has been buried for far too long.

  9. I’m now in the iOTWReport Witness Protection Program.

    I was in Hell before the Devil knew I was dead; that should say something about my Administration.

    Speaking of zeros-not-heroes… The Clintons and the Obamas are in Lucifer's On-Deck circle.

    Remember: you go to Heaven for the climate and to Hell for the company. 👿

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