Muslim former FBI agent who refused to wiretap fellow Muslims now Homeland Security Adviser – IOTW Report

Muslim former FBI agent who refused to wiretap fellow Muslims now Homeland Security Adviser

jihadwatch: Back in 2002, Gamal Abdel-Hafiz was in the FBI, and refused to conduct a secret recording of a Muslim suspect. He said: “a Muslim doesn’t record another Muslim.” This was quite controversial at the time, and there were calls for him to be fired. But now the foxes own the henhouse, and he is advising the President on how to deal with the terror threat. That explains a great deal.

Abdel-Hafiz should have been fired in 2002, immediately after demonstrating that his allegiance to Islam was greater than his allegiance to the United States. Instead, he is now in a greater position of influence than ever.   more

18 Comments on Muslim former FBI agent who refused to wiretap fellow Muslims now Homeland Security Adviser

  1. Checks and balances? What an arcane idea! Our mannequins in Congress allow travesty after travesty to pile on and not a fucking peep.

    And Heaven forbid another Michelle Bachmann speak up about the influence of the MB in our government. Take a guess which low down scumbag got up on the floor of the Senate and condemned her and it wasn’t Reid.

    It takes a lot these days to drop my jaw and Obama/Jarrett elevating this creep to an advisor on Homeland Security isn’t what has got it resting on my desk. I certainly don’t have representation in Congress. My worthless Congressman, Conaway, watches out for big ag and oil. I stopped writing him
    over a year ago-he wouldn’t even bother to send me a form letter email back-at least I got that from my POS dem Rep in CO-7, Perlmutter.

    These guys are going to work overtime to negate Trump-I can only hope when he’s stymied time after time, he busts their asses on national TV.

  2. Who needs ISIS enemies in foreign lands?
    Obama places disloyal muslims in critical national security positions, at the same time bringing 150,000+ Islamic refugees to the US.
    What’s the problem barry? Not enough home grown muslim terrorists here in the US?

  3. @MM
    100% on target.
    At worst congress is complicit and equally guilty, at best they are incredibly inept. Either way they have abdicated their duties and responsibilities to our Nation and Citizens.
    Tar and Feathering is too good for them.

  4. O’b stands with the sheep shaggers so it’s the way it is till the next administration.

    Then what? Mass deportation.

    We can only hope.

    The West is incompatible with the East, so one is going to give.

  5. We need a new doomsday countdown clock that shows how many steps America is away from full sharia law in America.

    This son of a bitch was on the news the other day talking about how guns are too easy to get. That muthafukka was talking about how easy they were for the enemies of islam to get. He knows Americans would have to be disarmed before the caliphate can take a firm foothold here, and he wants a registration list to work from — just like Hitler used to disarm the Jews before he tried to kill them all.

    May he burn in hell for eternity along with all the followers of his satanic death cult; Especially 0bama – he’s not going to let up, it just gets worse every day.

  6. Roundup every GD worthless cockroach Muslim in the United States, drop them off in the middle of the Atlantic.
    There is not NOT any such thing as a good Muslim.
    And take Lorreta with you

  7. A muslim doesn’t record another muslim.
    Shooting, stoning, beheading, tossing off of tall buildings, amputations, and roasting over an open fire, is OK though. Just don’t record one.

  8. “A muslim doesn’t record another muslim” …but –
    A muslim will blow up another muslim.
    A muslim will behead another muslim.
    A muslim will throw another muslim off a building if he thinks he’s gay.
    A muslim will stone another muslim to death.
    A muslim will burn another muslim alive.
    I could go on like this all day.

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