Dormant black hole ‘awakens’ to devour star – IOTW Report

Dormant black hole ‘awakens’ to devour star

BP: PARIS – Scientists reported Wednesday that they witnessed in unprecedented detail a star being ripped to shreds and devoured by a dormant supermassive black hole.

The celestial feeding frenzy — known as a tidal disruption event — was detected from the high-energy, X-ray echoes emitted as debris from the hapless star swirled in a vortex near the black hole’s centre.

The findings were published in the prestigious science journal Nature.

“Never before have we been able to see strong gravity effects from a dormant black hole,” Erin Kara, a Hubble postdoctoral fellow at the University of Maryland, and lead author of the study, told AFP.  more

14 Comments on Dormant black hole ‘awakens’ to devour star

  1. Dormant black hole devours Hyperbole from the press for us rubes. In reality a star finally was pulled close enough for gravity to rip it apart and pull it in. Prior to that the black hole hadn’t been pulling anything of consequence in. Derp!

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