The EU is a Dictatorship that Britain Should Leave – IOTW Report

The EU is a Dictatorship that Britain Should Leave

AT: There can be no ifs and buts about it – the EU is a Dictatorship. How come? How dare I say such a thing? Answer:  When the Commission headed by Herr Juncker issues a Regulation it has the force of law for all 28 member States immediately. Let me repeat that one word – immediately.

Nobody has the right to question this Regulation – it is incontestable. It simply arrives from the EU and it is Law!  There are no discussions in Parliament, no processes, no debate, absolutely nothing. Once you clearly understand this my friends, and my friends also on the Remain side, I say to you “Think again.”

It is true that both the Lords and the Monarchy are an anachronism, in some ways logically indefensible. So we have a Monarch by whom all laws are promulgated by Royal Assent, but whose Assent is assured. The Monarch actually has almost absolute power, which in practice is never used. The House of Commons is the legislature, where laws are proposed by the majority Party and opposed by the Opposition.  The Executive is formed by the leader of the majority Party, who becomes Prime Minister, but still has to report weekly to the Monarch. (Not everybody knows this.)  more

11 Comments on The EU is a Dictatorship that Britain Should Leave

  1. I am cynical, I think that whether due to voter fraud or otherwise the stay vote will win out. But the EU is on its last legs and will not survive. The wealthier members are finally realizing that the only reason poorer countries joined was to borrow money from them. And your uncle is tired of loaning you money that you never pay back.

  2. Great Britain placed the yoke of colonization, oppression and servitude on many nations over History.
    It appears now they are willing to wear the yoke themselves and bow to the EU dictatorship.
    The EU has succeeded where the Vikings, Romans, muslim hoardes, Mongols, Napoleon, Hitler and Stalin had failed.
    If Britain votes for submission, they’ll wear the heavy yoke of the EU as a former free Nation.

  3. Ha! Europe has been a continent of slavery and serfdom for 2000 years!
    Why change it now?
    UK is inhabited by “SUBJECTS!” Whether subject to the Crown or subject to the EU makes no difference to the subjects, as long as they’re promised free shit and regular beatings. Sheesh! The ones who believed in Liberty left 250 years ago!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Great Britain placed the yoke of colonization, oppression and servitude on many nations …”

    Oh, fukkin PLEASE! Great Britain brought civilization to the pest-holes of the world … trains, medicine, God, justice, industry, education, innovation, exploitation, trade, clothing, wealth … the rat-people never appreciated it until it was gone and their countries reverted to barbarism – and even then, they resented modernity out of jealousy. 3rd, 4th, and 5th World shit-holes dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 19th Century.

    Now Britain’s misplaced sense of guilt will destroy her … oh, well …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I’ll be happy and surprised if the Brits take this last chance to save themselves.

    I’m sure I’m probably wrong here. But as I recall Freemen were given the right to bear arms under Magna Carta. . . which they subsequently gave up. They got it again after their civil war. . . only to give it up again. So, while there’s a lot to admire about their history and culture, it’s hard to feel sorry for them.

  6. Oh, and of course, there is the episode of fighting a total war against socialism only to fire Churchill and embrace socialism even before the defeat of Japan. Germany spent it’s Marshal plan money re-building it’s industry while Britain threw up cheap public housing. . . the results speak for themselves.

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