WND: The U.S. military, under commander in chief Barack Obama, hasn’t necessarily been friendly to Christians, ordering them not to post Bible verses at work stations and more in various disputes. But a physical assault on a military retiree who was using a religious script for a flag-folding ceremony apparently is a step too far.

The non-profit legal advocacy group First Liberty Institute, which only a few days earlier had notified the federal government of the assault, said it has been told Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James has ordered the Air Force inspector general to review the actions taken against Oscar Rodriguez.

It was the retired 33-year veteran of the Air Force who was “forcibly dragged” away from a retirement flag-folding speech “that included the word ‘God,’” the organization reported.

“We view the Pentagon’s action today as a positive first step toward not only acknowledging that religious scripts may be used at retirement ceremonies, but also ensuring these kinds of situations are not repeated,” said Mike Berry, director of military affairs for First Liberty Institute.




    Yeah, they are probably trying to investigate more ways to be more effective at it.

  2. So what else would you expect from the democraps who publicly denied God at their 2012 Presidential nomination convention? As a veteran this really makes me mad, the way they treat the military, veterans and anyone who believes in God. But God always prevails and the democraps and barry will not, can not win making man the measure of all things no matter how hard they try to deny God and the American people.

  3. Let’s see, obama mandates to the Sec. of Defense that Christianity is not tolerated, Defense mandates to the Pentagon, the Pentagon mandates to the branches of the Military. The media reports it after 8 years, the Pentagon investigates by asking the Military Branches to respond to their investigatory inquiry.
    The Generals and Admirals inquire of their Division Commanders, the Commanders inquire with the Battalions, the Battalions inquire with the Regiments and so on. By the time it gets to the squad level, the media brouhaha is over, the citizens forgot what it was all about and nothing is done.
    Another great job of obfuscation carried out by the Obama administration.

  4. ok, down thumb me if you wish but, as a combat vet myself, i sense something else going on here, that is bad blood between some people, for other reasons unrelated to god reference

    i have a hard time believing that an organization could be so senselessly stupid as to denigrate a ceremony requested by the guest of honor

    again, moronic on the part of the unit commander, but something else at play, imho

  5. OpenTheDoor
    June 24, 2016 at 1:52 pm

    After viewing the bum rush given a decorated vet, does anybody still believe the military will not fire upon US citizens?

    All I can say is – no army has ever faced insurgents starting off with over 300 million guns in it’s hands before.

    Considering how feeble the Afgans look by comparison – They’re in for a sh*t load of trouble here.

    They want to win without a fight and intimidation will be used, so they’d be the first ones to say something like: After seeing this, you really doubt they’ll pull the trigger on us?

    What are they going to do, wipe us all out? I think not.

    So, instead of debating if they will or not, or even fearing it – just be prepared for if they try.

    Practice, practice, practice.

  6. okay, i’m done….

    i have tried to reply on several stories on different sites tonight…..and halfway through, poof, my reply goes drifting off into the either, can’t even find them in the history listing…

    no, of course i am not on some kind of list……..i’m just on some kind of digitized log-off program……

  7. At Dad, I have a 300 yard range in my own backyard, I got this, rest assured.
    I’m old but can be a deadly sniper.
    Sadly all my weapons were lost in an unfortunate boating accident.

  8. “I have a 300 yard range in my own backyard”

    I am envious. I lost all my free ranges over the last few years. Friends and relatives died, moved, went crazy, etc.

    Don’t happen to live near Dallas, do you, my new good friend?

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