CAIR to Face Jury Trial for Fraud, Ripping Off Hundreds of American Muslims – IOTW Report

CAIR to Face Jury Trial for Fraud, Ripping Off Hundreds of American Muslims

CounterJihad: Though CAIR brands itself as a human rights advocacy group, the organization also presents itself as a civil rights legal advocacy group, collecting generously from that business through hefty retainers and legal fees that are beyond the means of the community it claims to serve.

Now, thanks to the DC Circuit Court, American Muslims will soon get an unvarnished glimpse into the Hamas-linked pressure group. CAIR National must stand trial and face a jury who will be presented with evidence on the massive fraud and attempted cover up to the detriment of hundreds of Muslim Americans – the very group CAIR claims to represent.

In 2008, hundreds of Muslim clients represented by CAIR-Virginia’s resident “civil rights manager,” the late Morris Days, were slowly beginning to find out the truth about their so-called legal counsel: Days had been misrepresenting himself as an attorney.  more

7 Comments on CAIR to Face Jury Trial for Fraud, Ripping Off Hundreds of American Muslims

  1. Beware, CAIR is a despicable 5th column terrorist Muslim organization, with complete and intimate ties to the Democrat Party elite, that will not only screw their own Muslim compatriots but the entire American population!

  2. One day Ibrahim Hooper rode around the farm
    Flies so numerous that they did swarm
    One chanced to bite him on the thigh
    The devil take that moslem guy.

    Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t CAIR
    Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t CAIR
    Jimmy crack corn, and I don’t CAIR
    The Bastard’s go away

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