Brexit: David Cameron to resign as PM after Britain voted to leave EU – IOTW Report

Brexit: David Cameron to resign as PM after Britain voted to leave EU

MSN: British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced he is resigning after the referendum result to leave the European Union.

The final result showed 17.4 million people voted Leave and 16.1 million people voted Remain.

In his official statement outside 10 Downing Street, Mr Cameron, who was one of the leaders of the Remain campaign, said the decision warranted a change in leadership.

“I will do everything I can as Prime Minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months, but I do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination,” he said.  more

21 Comments on Brexit: David Cameron to resign as PM after Britain voted to leave EU

  1. Everything Zer0 touches turns to shit. He tried to scare the people of Britain into staying. DJT simply said; they’re taking their country back, just like we will take our country back!

  2. Brits exit the EU, causing Cameron to exit the government
    Cameron exits the government, might cause the musloids to exit Britain.
    At the point of a gun and with a boot to the patoot.

  3. The next Prime Minister may be the former mayor of London, a political and lookalike British version of Trump, Boris Johnson.
    Other EU nations might finally get a clue that socialism, in any form never works.

  4. quote from paul ryan on the subject

    the uk is an indispensable ally of the united states, and that special relationship is unaffected by this vote”

    bullshit, the relationship was not unaffected, it was improved

  5. @Lazlo, I’m sorry, that was supposed to be an upvote, not down 🙁 These up/downs are too dang close!

    Brexit news is very encouraging, it remains to be seen whether the deluded elitists will adjust and regroup or demand a ‘global’ crackdown on us unwashed masses who desire true freedom. May God help Trump to be triumphant in the USA!

  6. Trump really handled this nicely. He stated that “IF I lived here…” and ended with something along the lines of ‘but I don’t live here so I’m not telling them what to do.

    The in between was well said. Do you hear me AA? Anything positive about Trump I will trumpet. Also, he was in Scotland doing business- not as some elite dictating and threatening the local yocales to do it his way or be relegated to the back of the bus.

    Well done. And Well done for the UK. Good news all around.

  7. I don’t believe the majority of people in the UK ever completely bought into the EU. Economically, the EU made some sense, but bureaucrats being bureaucrats, Brussels could not stay out of political meddling in the member countries. At least in the UK, the political meddling reached a tipping point leading to BREXIT – this despite the financial uncertainty an exit would cause.

    There will undoubtably be some financial pain as the elitist group bangs the economic doomsayer drum. But this may actually lead to some long term economic stability as countries demand and regain some of their political autonomy. Modern economies are largely based on trust, and if the economic fundamentals are out of whack, eventually the trust required will be lost.

    I do not believe this bodes well for the Democrats in the US. As the Republicans are learning, politicians can ignore the basic values of their voting blocks only for so long. When asked by my liberal friends why my politics are what they are, my answer is simple – I don’t trust big government, and I don’t trust politicians. Government is necessary, and politicians are necessary, but that does not mean I have to trust them and I don’t. The number of people who believe as I do is becoming more vocal and numerous.

    David Cameron is leaving because the BREXIT vote revealed a lack of trust in his leadership. Many people, not only in the UK but in many other countries as well, instinctively feel that things are on the wrong track and they are voting for change – this results in both the BREXIT vote as well as the rise of Trump and the popularity of Sanders. The so-called elite should take notice.

  8. Here’s an interesting statistic I received from a British Friend by email today. The children, and their children of post World War 2 (age 50 and over)voted overwhelmingly to leave. Population 34 years of age and under voted overwhelming to stay. As someone who grew up in Europe, I can tell you most European’s have never been in favor of large scale immigration. But the low birthrate made it necessary. And they, like their American cousins tend to vote their pocket books, electing politicians who promise the moon and then don’t deliver. And through coalitions with other parties manage to stay in power. The EU makes it even harder to unseat them. I’ve read much unflattering vitriol pointed at the European people because of there present situation. The referendum pasted last night has been boiling beneath the surface for over ten years. This is not a recent awakening. Cameron vowed to give it a vote if reelected, misjudging the horizon, and the senseable people made him pay. This WILL spread across the continent.

  9. More than 24 hours later and the mass media types are still losing their minds over the vote. Gee, could that be because they are almost all left wing and see Big Government as the answer to all problems? If only they would all go back to their “safe spaces” in mom’s basement with their comfort poodles and stay there until after our election.

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