Artifacts found could be linked to the Lost Colony of Roanoke – IOTW Report

Artifacts found could be linked to the Lost Colony of Roanoke

AP: MANTEO, N.C. — Archaeologists on North Carolina’s Roanoke Island found pottery pieces that could have been part of a jar belonging to a medicine maker of the Roanoke Island voyages and perhaps a member of the “Lost Colony.”

Two quarter-size fragments, colored blue, white and brown, were discovered buried in the soil near an earthen mound believed to have been a 16th century fort, The Virginian-Pilot reported.

“It was an exciting find,” said Eric Deetz, an archaeologist with the First Colony Foundation who was part of the dig earlier this month. “That pottery had something to do with the Elizabethan presence on that island.”

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8 Comments on Artifacts found could be linked to the Lost Colony of Roanoke

  1. And HRC’s lost e-mail server, and BHO’s birth certificate, and his grades, and the CIA’s file on Chris Steven’s assassination, and the media’s integrity, and the American “rule of law,” and Congress’s balls, and SCROTUS’s copy of the Constitution, and the Lost Books of the Quran which described Mohamhead’s love affair with Lance the Jewish faggot, and …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. BWoodman – not much longer, the faster the fucking ohole loads up the country with his favorite people. American history, as was taught for the first 120 years of the greatest country in the world is already getting muzz-ulled by the anti-KUFFAR
    The Mo man was the first to find the New World, in search of more little pre-pubescent cocks to suck, he sailed a stolen boat west – okay, somebody did – but he’s a man’s man, so always takes credit for it. He also invented the pottery that those losers found in the ground, he invented the ground, soil and rocks, and the Allah-damn waters, for Phuqwad’s sake.
    History and Science, they got it all figured out perfect, til someone finds something nobody knew nothing about

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