Was Hillary’s “Sigh” a teleprompter fail? – IOTW Report

Was Hillary’s “Sigh” a teleprompter fail?

Maybe she intended to do it this way. But it comes off looking as it anything they put on that teleprompter, Shrillary will read…

Judge for yourself-

Video @ Moonbattery

19 Comments on Was Hillary’s “Sigh” a teleprompter fail?

  1. 100% prompter.
    Bitch is more scripted than an afternoon soap opera.
    They have to tell her to sigh, yet the dummy says “sigh” instead of just exhaling.

    The only way to defend her is to say her supporters are too dumb to realize non-verbal clues.

  2. she may have just said “boohoo”.
    Contrived, scripted, manipulative failure.
    When you entire life has been insincere and counterfeit, it is extremely difficult to display real emotions….>sigh<

  3. I just clicked on what I thought would be a golf video, “How to Get Out of Any Lie.”
    But it turned out to be a documentary on the Clinton’s political history.

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