Stop hanging up on the governor! – IOTW Report

Stop hanging up on the governor!

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — The Pennsylvania governor’s personal touch doesn’t always get him very far.

Second-year Gov. Tom Wolf likes to dial his own phone calls, but the Democrat is finding disbelieving receptionists sometimes hang up on him. That’s what happened recently when he called his community and economic development secretary and a Democratic state lawmaker.

Wolf spokesman Jeff Sheridan says that’s what prompted an email to government agencies, first reported by the Philadelphia Daily News.

The email asked that switchboard operators not hang up on anyone “claiming to be Tom Wolf.”

6 Comments on Stop hanging up on the governor!

  1. This problem goes away if he greets the person with what they’re hearing. I imagine it’s something like, “Will so-and-so take a call from the Governor of Pennsylvania? He’s on the line now,” or some such.

    Anyone who can’t figure that out is probably not worth talking with anyway.

  2. During the 20+ years that I worked in offices, I always found it very pretentious for bosses to have their secretaries place their calls. What, you’re so fucking busy/important you can’t dial 11 digits? I might not have minded so much if these people weren’t always the same ones who drove their secretaries into the ground with work.

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