Sugar Junkie faces 20 to life – IOTW Report

Sugar Junkie faces 20 to life

TheAdvocate: Convicted New Orleans candy snatcher now officially faces 20-years-to-life sentence, though DA cites wiggle room

[…]“The mayor of this city wants (fewer) people incarcerated. It’s costing the citizens way, way, way too much money. But the opposite side of the coin certainly doesn’t give someone like Mr. Grimes carte blanche to continue to commit crimes,” Zibilich said in handing down his sentence.

“The punishment here is not for the $31 worth of candy. The punishment is, he won’t stop, and if Mr. Grimes were to receive a pass today, the message this court would be sending is, ‘Mr. Grimes, go steal some more Baby Ruths. It’s OK.’ And that’s the wrong message for this court to send.”

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6 Comments on Sugar Junkie faces 20 to life

  1. “Oompa loompa doompety doo
    I’ve got a perfect puzzle for you
    Oompa loompa doompety dee
    If you are wise you’ll listen to me
    What do you get when you guzzle down sweets
    Eating as much as an elephant eats…”

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