DML: History was made when the people of the UK voted today to leave the European Union. The “Leave” movement was given the nickname, “BREXIT.” The newly formed word BREXIT is the combination of “Britain” and “Exit.”

Well, there is a “Leave” movement taking shape here in the U.S., and it’s calling for an independent Texas. The movement to separate Texas from the United States is gaining momentum on Facebook and Twitter, with thousands calling for a “Texit.”

The largest group pushing for secession is the Texas Nationalist Movement, which has been promoting “Texit” over the past several weeks.  more

14 Comments on TEXIT

  1. The federal government won’t allow it-DC will argue that secession was settled by the Civil War.

    Now the question is will the US military move against Texans should we attempt it? Texas is the only state not on an interstate power grid-all of our power is generated here so shutting off our power isn’t possible.

    The crux of the problem is the fucking federal government and the worthless Congress. These guys go there essentially for life, either become wealthy while serving or “retire” to K Street and multi-million dollar salaries and ignore the Constitution.

    Instead of seceding, any state should stop accepting federal funds for various mandates. The feds hold these funds as a cudgel-obey or we cut them off. Once the feds can’t blackmail a state into say, mandating pervs can use the women’s bathroom, the state can tell DC to fuck off.

    But MM, what about the courts? Tell you what, you get an Andrew Jackson type governor, who once famously said, “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.” and wha? The feds are going to send troops into NC’s women’s bathrooms so “women” with dicks can use them?

    We’ve placed the SC on a pedestal that nofuckingway did the Framers intend. Over the centuries, they’ve made some prescient decisions and some real bone headed ones. But in the end, I believe they’ve become way too powerful. It seems any decision that will enlarge the role of government is the way they will rule.

  2. Rather than any great state secede how about DC be dumped and our government be restructured (to resemble what the framers intended). I know, a monumental task to say the least. They threaten the states with funding that was generated by tax payers…US! We are gathering in numbers and the weaklings in power sense it, hence the major push to disarm us.

  3. Oh, hellz yeah!

    But when we leave, look for Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas and the eastern half of New Mexico to come with us! AND… we get to keep Fort Hood!

  4. Jon John, the UN is starting to “condition the market,” i.e., you and me, to prepare for the elimination of air conditioning. Why? Just because these little control freaks say so (I’m sure we’ll hear about how much hotter it is in Africa and the Middle East, and many there do not have a air conditioning, thus making it terribly UNFAIR that we have it, sucking more than our fair share of global resources to stay cool, blah, blah, blah.). So I say we go ahead and get started with this project and cut the air conditioning off at the UN right now, at the beginning of summer. Hell, lots not heat the UN’s buildings this winter, either. Better yet, let’s turn off all their power and cut the US contribution entirely.

  5. The secede movement here in Texas is gaining strength and predates the “Brexit.” We have been pissed for quite some time. I just hope we elect Donald J. Trump and there won’t be any need to secede.

  6. It is our duty NOT to follow any unconstitutional mandates. Fuck the Feds! They don’t follow the supreme law of the land, so we don’t have to acknowledge their authority. They are the criminals. They are tyrants and traitors.

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