Disabling security for Clinton server laid out the welcome mat for hackers – IOTW Report

Disabling security for Clinton server laid out the welcome mat for hackers

FOX: A 2010 decision temporarily disabling State Department security features to accommodate Hillary Clinton’s private server effectively laid out a “welcome mat” for hackers and foreign intelligence services, a leading IT official who oversaw computer security at the Defense Intelligence Agency told Fox News.

“You’re putting not just the Clinton server at risk but the entire Department of State emails at risk,” said Bob Gourley, former chief technology officer (CTO) for the DIA. “When you turn off your defensive mechanisms and you’re connected to the Internet, you’re almost laying out the welcome mat for anyone to intrude and attack and steal your secrets.”

He was referring to revelations from new court-released documents in a lawsuit by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch. They show the State Department temporarily turned off security features in 2010 so that emails from then-Secretary of State Clinton’s personal server would stop going to the department’s spam folders.   more

10 Comments on Disabling security for Clinton server laid out the welcome mat for hackers

  1. Our national security has been compromised so that she could try to hide her influence peddling. Simple as that.

    China, Russia and fuck knows who else, know some of our most sensitive national secrets.

    Trump, win this shit, and prosecute her ass.

  2. i would assume russia and china are trying breakins every second of each day everywhere, hoping for just a crack. So even a second down time means they’re in.

  3. The fact that she is a conniving, lying America-hating, murderous old snatch that would sell her own mother down the road for a nickel comes as no surprise….the genuine surprise is that people are so mentally retarded and morally bankrupt that they would actually vote for her…

  4. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Her Thighness, Mrs. Bill Clinton.
    Let the Raw Sewage and Herpes of the Democrat party begin.
    All you hacks and flunkies come propagandize for the Queen of Scum.

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