Wasted DA Nearly Kills Multiple Motorists – No Arrest – IOTW Report

Wasted DA Nearly Kills Multiple Motorists – No Arrest

DCC: Silver City, NM — In a testament to the special privilege granted to those within government, a clearly inebriated district attorney was dangerously let loose back out on to the streets by, not one, but two separate police departments who stopped her for a DUI.

Instead of arresting the woman, who was caught on video coming dangerously close to multiple head-on collisions, and completely unable to stay in her lane, cops changed her tire and sent her on her way.

The incident began when a motorist behind Grant County District Attorney Francesca Estevez witnessed her swerving all over the road. The motorist took out his phone and began recording as Estevez veered in and out of her lane coming perilously close to several head-on collisions with innocent drivers.

When the witness finally got a cell phone signal, he called 9-1-1 to report this menace to society. However, as multiple body cameras will show, his call fell on deaf ears.  more

21 Comments on Wasted DA Nearly Kills Multiple Motorists – No Arrest

  1. Insiders enjoy a state of virtual anarchy: they are immune from most laws. The biggie they very well know not to break is “don’t upset the apple cart.”

    So, if laws don’t apply to them, why should I act as though they apply to me?

  2. Let me guess no one will do anything about removing said DA.
    This is reminiscent of what got Rick Perry a bogus indictment to tarnish him when he asked the DA in Travis Cty to resign after she was convicted of a DUI. She was driving at over 3 times the limit but has the right political affiliation for retaining her job no matter what.

  3. I was pretty sure her name ended with a “z” before I clicked on the link. I am now pretty sure the cops’ names end in “z” too. Meet the New Mexico, same as the Old Mexico.

  4. Same thing happened in West Des Moines, IA a few years back. A state patrolman got stopped going over 100 MPH on I-35 with a BAL at 0.4. He was utterly blasted… Didn’t even get arrested. Only got suspended after huge amounts of public outcry. We’re turning into just another shithole country now.

  5. If someone I loved got hurt because of her (and her accomplices), there’d be dead public officials. Just keeping it real. And I’d say that to their faces.

    It’s their fault that they’re leading us to this. No excuses.

  6. For a law to be “just” it MUST BE universally applicable.
    Ergo, if it is not universally applicable, it is not “just.”

    DWI (and DUI) is, OBVIOUSLY, not universally applicable in New Mexico, and, is therefore, an “unjust” law.

    The principle of “Equality before the Law” demands that it be stricken from the books.

    Anyone arrested under such an “unjust” law need use this example (and video) to have the case dismissed.

    izlamo delenda est …

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