Chinese Teen Found with Rotting Feet after 6-Day Gaming Binge – IOTW Report

Chinese Teen Found with Rotting Feet after 6-Day Gaming Binge

OddityCentral: China’s serious video-game addiction problem is once again in the news, after a 19-year old boy was found passed out in some bushes with badly infected feet, after a 6-day gaming marathon at an internet cafe.

Police discovered the avid gamer collapsed near some train tracks. They quickly called an ambulance as the man’s feet seemed badly infected and were giving off a strong putrid smell. When he woke up briefly to ask for some water, he told police officers that he had spent all his money playing video games and had not eaten or slept in several days. When he couldn’t afford to play anymore, he just started wondering around the city and eventually passed out from fatigue.  more here 

Warning: Gross photos at link.

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