Jennifer Grandmole badly bungles Clinton’s Wall Street ties – IOTW Report

Jennifer Grandmole badly bungles Clinton’s Wall Street ties

WE: Former Michigan governor and Hillary Clinton surrogate Jennifer Granholm struggled Monday in an MSNBC interview to defend the Democratic front-runner’s financial ties to Wall Street.

The moment occurred shortly after Clinton, whose campaign has raised more than $4 million from Wall Street, and self-styled anti-big bank crusader Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., appeared together at a campaign event in Cincinnati.

MSNBC’s Tamron Hall began, “Listen, it’s one thing to get caught up in the moment of those two women walking out together … Sen. Warren talked a lot about Wall Street. You have some progressives who say, how can she support Hillary Clinton so passionately when we know that the Democratic nominee has been greatly associated with Wall Street from the speeches and other issues of trust that still exist?”  more

5 Comments on Jennifer Grandmole badly bungles Clinton’s Wall Street ties

  1. That and $2.50 will get you a cup of coffee (except at Starbucks). If she is so tough on Wall Street why hasn’t she released copies of her speeches to Goldman. If she is so tough on Wall Street why are they giving her the big bucks (is it because they believe in self-immolation?). There is more than just a little wink-wink going on here!!

  2. The former governor was so tongue tied she was tripping all over her scripted narrative, on MSNBC no less. The destitute duo of HRC & Fauxcahantas calling Trump a money grubber? For real! Everything about these two scheming bastard, money motivated, liberals are provably rooted in lies for the purpose of MONEY.

    Elizabeth Warren FAKED her Native American heritage to get college on the cheap, while Hillary Clinton not only sold BIG MONEY SPEECHES to Wall Street but reaped the lucrative benefit of Putin getting 20% of our uranium. SO, WHO’S THE MONEY GRUBBER?

    We already know that the dead will undoubtedly vote Clinton and some among the living are following their lead.

    “At this point, what difference does it make?”
    —Hillary Rodham Clinton

  3. How many wallstreet brokerage firms, fund managers, bankers, businesses donated to the Clinton Foundation and/or her campaign. Nearly all? Follow the money, pay to play politics is a criminal art form with the Clinton’s.

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