The flag is like holy water – IOTW Report

The flag is like holy water

14 Comments on The flag is like holy water

  1. @Charlie WalksonWater June 30, 2016 at 12:54 pm

    In the days before Al Gore put America Online, what would a southern horn-dog say when he found out his date was into chicks?

  2. Aside from being a thief, murderer, traitor, grifter, liar, and pervert; I think the bitch is certifiably insane.
    I’m a retired plumber, not a psychiatrist – we just shoved people like that into lockers until they calmed down, but this hag’s got some crazy going on.

    EVERYTHING she accuses Trump of is some reflection of herself.
    Temperamentally Unstable, Greedy, Racist, Misogynist, &C.

    Pretty weird.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Claudia could pull together a montage of progressive women and their crazy eyes. They all have this insane look about them.

    The men all look like they’re on Prozac.

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