Remembering the end of feminism – IOTW Report

Remembering the end of feminism

AmericanThinker: On June 30, 1966, fifty years ago, that noble Christian movement inextricably connected to the emancipation of slaves, compassion for animals, and temperance in the consumption of alcohol – “feminism” – began to die.  On that day, the National Organization for Women, a front group for radical leftists, was founded.  Truly creepy characters like Betty Friedan, who as a Stalinist picketed the White House to stop America from helping Britain fight Hitler, infested this vile creation from the outset.

The pattern to anyone familiar with radical leftism is clear: dream up names for organizations that either tell nothing of the Marxist tilt (e.g., American Civil Liberties Union) or infest and dominate once respectable organizations (e.g., Sierra Club) and then turn the whole organization into a front group to attack America or Judeo-Christian values or free enterprise.

Feminism once was a noble movement.  It was overtly Christian, and it was inextricably intertwined with several other movements like ending slavery, preventing cruelty to animals, and encouraging temperance in the consumption of alcohol.  Feminism was emphatically not an advocacy group for women, and to the extent that it spoke on the subject, feminism insisted that women must assume the burdens as well as the privileges of citizenship.  more

7 Comments on Remembering the end of feminism

  1. Aleon maybe you can tell women everywhere why simply having a dick makes you superior. I’ve been a reader never a commenter here. I’m an old time feminist, I support a woman’s right to be whatever she wants, CEO, blue collar, stay at home. One thing I don’t support is, she’ll never be equal because she doesn’t have a dick. I don’t have a dick but I can put 6 45 in a quarter size target, can you?

  2. ‘Feminism’ has always been just another facet of cultural Marxism. It was always about destroying western civilization, even at the very beginning, when it masqueraded as a quest for fairness.

    The most miserable, hateful, bitter, spiteful, unfulfilled, broken people in human history are the dedicated feminists. This was the end goal: destroy the women, and you destroy the family: Destroy the family and you have destroyed the culture.

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