Kerry: Brexit can be ‘walked back’ – IOTW Report

Kerry: Brexit can be ‘walked back’

U.S. secretary of state John Kerry told the Aspen Ideas Festival that there are “several ways” the Brexit vote could be “walked back” to prevent Great Britain from leaving the EU.  He suggested that the “Leave” voters didn’t really mean they wanted a divorce from the EU.  MORE @ AmericanThinker.

13 Comments on Kerry: Brexit can be ‘walked back’

  1. Oh, you G-d damned, forsaken, ignorant, SOB, (someone else’s) medal throwing, inbred, lying, cheating, cocksucking, pitcher-AND-catcher, kneepad wearing, horseface, tax cheating, inbred, family-tree-looks-like-a-wreath, shoulda been shot in Paris for treason, NO excuse for a human being, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
    (mumble. . .mumble. . . mumble.. . . . mumble. . . )
    (rant and rave, piss and fume, steam and sputter. . . . )

    You really DO want to piss off our few remaining friends, and start WWIII, don’t you?

  2. I think B. Woodman speaks for many of us. (But please don’t hold anything back.)

    By the way, how many times a day do you think Kerry trips over that ugly mug?

  3. From the tail end of the American Thinker article on this:

    “Many Labor M.P.s have already made it clear that they would vote to ignore the referendum, thus leaving Great Britain in the EU.
    The pro-EU camp is vindictive and absolutely ruthless. And as it appears that they are perfectly willing to ignore the will of the people, they will stop at nothing to get what they want.”

    If this happens, I can see an uptick in the sale and use of “Politician Realignment Kit”; Politician, rope, tall tree or lamp post, some assembly required. Maybe I’ll make an instruction kit and sell on Amazon or eBay. hehehe

  4. So Kerry would prefer to see the UK completely go down the tubes by remaining in the EU? The EU is a socialists’ wet dream, and like most socialist governments is doomed to failure at some point. A majority of voters in the UK rebelled against the EU, and Kerry is more concerned about other countries, notably France, jettisoning EU membership than the UK remaining.

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