Made in our image: The appeal of ‘moderate Muslims’ – IOTW Report

Made in our image: The appeal of ‘moderate Muslims’

AT: One of the greatest problems with the much cherished “moderate/radical” Muslim dichotomy is that it’s entirely based on Western assumptions that have nothing to do with the realities of Islam.

This came out in a study published in Arabic (my recent translation here):

Islamic researchers are agreed that what the West and its followers call “moderate Islam” and “moderate Muslims” is simply a slur against Islam and Muslims, a distortion of Islam, a rift among Muslims, a spark to ignite war among them. They also see that the division of Islam into “moderate Islam” and “radical Islam” has no basis in Islam — neither in its doctrines and rulings, nor in its understandings or reality.

In keeping with various disturbing polls, the study found that everything associated with “radical Islam” – adherence to Islamic law (sharia), subordinate position for women and non-Muslims, draconian punishments, jihad to spread Islam, and opposition to democracy – is a reflection of authentic Islam.  more

7 Comments on Made in our image: The appeal of ‘moderate Muslims’

  1. “Moderate” moslems (as defined by the West) are “apostate” moslems.
    The Caliphate will exterminate them as soon as it becomes a viable option.
    ISIS is already doing its part.

    They could be won over (for their lives are forfeit, and they know it), except for the “radical” moslem in the White House and his trepidacious “War on Terror.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. A moderate Muslim is not devout enough to personally cut your infidel head off but will take the candy when its passed around by excited allah monkeys who are celebrating the news of a 13 year old girl murdered in her bed while she slept.

    Personally I’m ready to give that part of the world the Curtis LeMay treatment.

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